Cute girl in class. What to do?
Theres this girl in my business class who Ive been talking to. She’s a cute Brazilian. So far I’ve been playing it cool since class just started. We talk casually, we help each other cheat on quizzes, things like that. I think she’s comfortable around me as she tells me random things that are going on in her life and says that we should keep helppin each other out.
My other problem is that I’m a cheap fuck. I still haven’t bought my class book yet (that shit’s $150). She has the book.
Should I solve both these problems at once lol. Tell her that we should study together. Then I can use the book and get on that :).
Is it rude to ask this of a girl you just met in class? If she wants to, could that mean she simply wants to study (nothing more)? Am I misreading signals?
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24 Answers
Concentrate on your studies.
What are you trying to say by “cute Brazilian?” Brazilian girls aren’t that different from the rest.
Anyways, what @CaptainHarley says…CONCENTRATE ON YOUR STUDIES SON!
Concentrate on schoolwork. Learn to spell and punctuate.
Make friends with others in your class including the girls.
When you have well developed social skills and respect for girls and yourself, then you can concern yourself with sex and intimacy.
It mean’s shes cute and she’s a Brazilian…. Am I not being politicaly correct enough?
The class is a complete joke and has nothing to do with my major. I can EASILY get a B w\o even trying. The shitty thing is you need the book and I REFUSE to pay $150 for some shit I’de only use once.
@JohnDCitizen – Don’t worry about it. She’s cute and she’s blond, or blue eyed or tall or not or from Italy or not. It is just a descriptive, not a slander.
when they’re cute and brazilian, go get em tiger.. i didnt need to read the details to answer this one. just don’t be so captin odvious about it. keep some secrects too – theres no need to let the cat out of the bag just yet. woman love a mysterious, strong guy who isnt afraid to stick to his guns. when you get chances but not too often make it seem like she’s cool to hang out with, but its not a big deal either. may the force be with you my young padowon
Yeah I guess it is easy to get a B when you cheat on everything…
If you, yourself, recognize that you are a cheap fuck, she will know it instantly. At that point, you are doomed with her regarding any personal relationship. Women, as do men, like confidence displayed in the opposite sex. Buy the book. The last thing you want is to be begging from her. Then take charge, be confident, ask her to do something with you. If she says no, do it again, until it’s painfully obvious that she thinks you suck. It happens to all of us. Then go after someone else you find attractive.
About the cheating yes I know. The sysadmins shouldn’t let people with the same IP take the quiz at the same time. It’s there fault. I have no respect for a poorly implemented system. Plus the class has NOTHING to do w\ my major.
Ya, thats why I’ve been playing it cool so far. Thats why I’m wondering if asking her to study (obviously chill outside class), comes off as “desprate” or “needy” or “cheap fuck” whatever you want to call it. I don’t think it would now that I know (or think I know) she is obviously showing interest.
Whats the difference between being interested in a girl and being desperate?
My own personal opinion, and that’s all it is, is that depending on others for necessities you should supply for yourself PUTS you in a position of appearing needy and inclines you to act that way.
Ohh I never seen it that way. I just see it as pointless to spend $150 on some stupid shit when I could just piggy back off someone else…. I fucking hate giving money to that damn greedy school. I have gone 3 years w\o buying a book (library, friends, torrents, google). I kinda saw this as mutually benificial (she gets help+I get free book) I do see your point about te neediness tho. I saw neediness as simply calling or being too availible but I guess I just defined it incompletly. w\e About the book I guess I’ll just get it from the Cubans who steal the books from the bookstore…
As for the girl, I’ll get my own shit then invite her to study\chill w\ me. If not shes a POS lol
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But it’s okay to use a book that someone else paid $150 for, and perhaps inconvenience them? If she’s a cute girl, I’m sure she has her pick of guys who are not cheap.
I don’t know what advice to give you, but if you run into her, my advice to her would be, “Run like hell, girl.”
@CyanoticWasp lol why is that. No one knows Im a cheap fuck yet…. Only fluther.
Good advice guys. Well taken.
Ok screw the book thing. Now what to do about the girl. Am I reading things right? It’s only 3rd week of class. Ask to chill? Get number? Keep playing it cool? Say fuck it (This option usually gets me nowhere)?
I think you she may already like you a bit, if she is willing to do that.
I’d get her number or hang out with her.Keep talking.
Making a girl a laugh best thing you can do ;)
But don’t use her like it sounds like you kinda were man, that ain’t cool….
I said that because you’re not being completely honest in your anonymous presentation to the fluther, so I can only imagine the stories you’re telling her. You suggest that you would be doing her some kind of favor to continue to study and hang with her, while mooching off her paid-for book resource and seeing what “else” you could get from her—for free, apparently.
The operative words in your question are “cute Brazilian girl”. Your real interests seem to have nothing to do with the class; that’s just a pretext for you to get near “cute Brazilian girl”. Imagine those words were “nerdy dorky guy” and tell us how the scenario changes.
Dosen’t anyone (but a few @Steve good advice) get it. I have never used anyone yet. Thats why I am posting on Fluther to see whats ok and whats not ok, before I do it.
Your advice is well taken. Yes Cyanotic I have an intrest in the class. I need a B. If I could mooch and get the B, why the hell not. Aparently it is “wrong” and will fuck me up in the long run, so point taken.
Don’t fucking judge me based on what I haven’t done. I thought thats the point of fluther? To get honest opinions on things from an anonymous source….
I’m not saying that it’s wrong to mooch; we all do that to varying degrees and from time to time. If I could never mooch, then I might as well kill myself now. (And a lot of others who have mooched from me would have to go first; fair’s fair, after all.)
What I am saying is that your question about “solving” both of these “problems” at once is only marginally influenced by the book. That’s just a pretext to get next to “cute Brazilian girl”.
@CyanoticWasp Ohh I see what you mean. Ya it is. I’m going to go for it anyway book or not lol. I guess the question can be rephrased to: “Was that a good way of getting closer?” and from your answers, na.
I never studied with people from class. In fact I barely study or do the hw. Most of my classes are jokes and i can get by by just showing up, leaving, and repeating.
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