Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Why do some people not signal when they are going to turn?

Asked by JLeslie (65851points) January 24th, 2010

Why don’t you do it? Did you never learn to do it? Never made it a habit? Are you multitasking in the car and don’t have your hand free? Do you think you know for sure there is no one around you who would need to know you are turning or changing lanes? What is your reason?

And, what about you people who don’t signal until after you have already started braking for a turn, or moving into the next lane. Don’t you understand that the signal is the warning to others that you are about to slow for a turn or change lanes?

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34 Answers

kheredia's avatar

That’s one of my pet peeves too. I do it all the time and it really bothers me when others don’t do it. Especially when they’re driving like maniacs and are all over the place. That’s why accidents happen. If you’re going to go into my lane and be a reckless driver at least give me a heads up you know?

YARNLADY's avatar

It’s got to be a habit that you do it every time. I even signal a turn when I am turning into my driveway on our cul de sac.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

In Houston many people don’t do it because when you put your turn signal on, more likely than not, the person in the lane behind will speed up so that you won’t be able to enter the lane.

I still signal, and it usually happens to me. It’s a hassle to have to wait for them to pass every damn time, but it’s a lot less of a hassle than getting into a car accident. That’s my philosophy.

SeventhSense's avatar

Because they desire for me to run them off the road and set their cars on fire?

kheredia's avatar

@SeventhSense Don’t we wish we could!!!

SeventhSense's avatar

Tempting. But even worse is the ones who keep it on for a mile and you never know when they’re going to turn.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@Seventh: Haha, I love those people. I sit in my car and laugh at them, especially the ones who are in the far left lane on the freeway with their left blinker on. I’m just waiting for one of ‘em to actually turn one day.

JLeslie's avatar

@La_chica_gomela It definitely varies a lot from city to city. In Raleigh, NC, drivers always let others in; not so here in Memphis.

@YARNLADY I’m like you, signal for every turn, even my driveway.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@JLeslie: Agreed. And it seems the bigger the city, the worse they are about it, and the less helpful they are about everything in general, on the road.

SeventhSense's avatar

And invariably if you try to honk and get their attention they are always the type to grip the wheel, look straight ahead and you can almost hear them muttering..“I will not look at you…I will not look at you…”

sjmc1989's avatar

I had a boyfriend that would flick his blinker once after he had already changed lanes. I was convinced that he just did it to piss me off

applesaucemanny's avatar

I hate it when people don’t signal! I could’ve gotten into countless crashes because of it too, but the best thing to do is to not follow someone to closely, I count of 4 seconds to the person in front of me and if someone gets in front me again I let them and then get behind them and make sure I’m 4 seconds behind,this system hasn’t failed me yet. I always signal 3 seconds before I start turning even if there aren’t any cars around. Better safe than sorry.

SeventhSense's avatar

I would throw a molotov cocktail at him. He doesn’t deserve a license.
It’s tough to be a road warrior

loser's avatar

Some people just rely too much on the psychic skills of others.

sjmc1989's avatar

@SeventhSense I agree and my sister flicks her signal on once before she changes lanes. This is why I’m the driver whenever I am with anybody!

SeventhSense's avatar

Except of course when you’re with me

sjmc1989's avatar

@SeventhSense Well that goes without saying of course…

MissAnthrope's avatar

I do it, even when there are no other cars around. I chalk it up to laziness and obliviousness to others.

Judi's avatar

I always laugh at my husband because he gripes when no one will let him in if he needs to make a lane change. I tell him, “Well, maybe if you turned on your blinkers they would know that you want over.” He still doesn’t seem to get it. He’s super super smart about most things, especially driving.”

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Too many drivers ignore basic traffic laws they were required to know when they obtained their license in the first case.

I believe many drivers, after obtaining their licenses, abandon following the laws governing driving when they discover that enforcement ranges from lax to non-existent in most jurisdictions. Soon they forget the laws even exist.

People justify violating these laws because they believe they are invincible, if not immortal.

They feel speed limits are merely a suggestion.

They feel signalling is for beginners only or that other drivers must learn to watch out for them!

They believe slowing down is an adequate substitute for stopping at stop signs or red lights.

They believe amber (yellow) lights mean they should hurry up before the light changes to red.

They believe they have the right to tail-gate so they can pass easier!

They ignore solid yellow or white lines on the roadway because they are sure they can pass fast enough that they don’t need to stay behind slow-pokes ahead of them. The same applies to passing two or more vehicles in a single manoeuvrer.

They believe they can beat the train and get through the level crossing, even if they have to go around the gates.

Many drivers feel no obligation to stop when they hit someone’s car, truck, building, pet or child because their insurance company will raise their insurance rates. They figure if no one else saw it, then it did not really happen!

The same idiots park in no stopping zones, fire lanes or designated handicapped stalls because they’re not going to be there long!

I believe drivers with multiple moving violations or collisions should be required to pass the written and a rigorous road test all over again or be required to forfeit their driver’s license.

Driving is a privilege not a right!

SABOTEUR's avatar

Turn signals distract from cell phone use and texting…duh!

Scooby's avatar

Mostly I suspect these people are in too much of as hurry & just too full of their own self importance to even consider being courteous to other road users, after all they’re most likely running late to drop the kids off at school or are dashing to the salon to have their hair & nails done!! I have to admit, sometimes I too forget to signal, we live in an imperfect world, one which none of us are happy with all the time, we just have to keep trying to better ourselves I guess, I do agree though that constant offenders should have to re-sit their test when convicted of serious driving offences, maybe this is the case already in your neck of the woods?, I don’t know??? :-/

mowens's avatar

Naturally, they are stupid. :)

Cupcake's avatar

I signal all the time even in parking lots.

KatawaGrey's avatar

I think @Dr_Lawrence hit it on the nose. People think they can beat the system so they just nix the use of their signals. It’s ridiculous and dangerous, but, hey, they’re good drivers so they don’t need to, right? I find that I sometimes forget to signal but it is only in instances where a signal isn’t sbsolutley necessary. Sometimes I forget if I am already in a turn lane or getting off at an exit from the highway but I never forget if I am changing lanes or turning in a non-turning lane.

I suspect that the kind of people who chronically don’t use their blinkers are also the kind of people who would take one look at this question and go, “Fuck this. I’m a good driver. I don’t need to use my blinker.”

Bluefreedom's avatar

Probably because they are rude or inconsiderate drivers. Or they’re just plain lazy. Or their turn signals don’t work. I’m going with the former as opposed to the latter.

I, personally, am very consistent most of the time in using my turn signals because I try to be a really conscientious and safe driver.

mattbrowne's avatar

Because even police cars are not good role models anymore. It seems like a worldwide trend.

john65pennington's avatar

I wrote a guy a citation one time for not giving a lane change signal. the driver stated, “why should i, no one pays any attention to them anyway”. i reminded him of the drivers testing manual he studied, before taking his drivers test for his drivers license. driver said, “what test?”. upon further investigation, i discovered this driver had never taken a states drivers test and he did not have drivers license. he also did not have any identification. so, i called the phone number he gave me and asked someone there to come and drive this vehicle off the interstate or it would be towed. his brother arrived and had a valid drivers license. this driver was taken to jail for not having a drivers license. the point here is this…......if you do not have a states drivers license, then how could you know the rules of the road? this driver did not and it cost him a night in jail.

J0E's avatar

I never use mine when I’m in a ”[blank] turn only” lane or if their is no one around. Other than that I always use turn signals and I expect others to do the same.

casheroo's avatar

My father never uses his. I’m like a turn signal nazi, and I make him use it when we’re in the car together. I think it’s irresponsible not to use it.

SABOTEUR's avatar

@J0E: I don’t think there’s anyone who would argue with your comment. But there’s a funny thing that happens when you’re practiced something long enough.

The action becomes second nature.

1. Flip turn signal.
2. Visually confirm right-of-way. Check mirrors for approaching vehicles
3. Change lanes or turn.

I’ve saved myself countless traffic incidents from developing that simple habit. So, yeah it’s funny that I’m signaling lane changes and turns when no one’s there or I’m in a designated turn lane. But any accidents I may become involved in won’t be because I didn’t let the other drivers know what I intended to do.

And guess what…I will not hesitate to use flashers and/or hand signals when required.
I’m just fanatical about letting the other guy know where you’re directing your missile.

JLeslie's avatar

@La_chica_gomela It still would not explain not signaling for a turn, you are talking about lane changes.

I agree with @SABOTEUR when it becomes a habit, it simply is, you do it without thinking. Anyone who only uses their signal at certain times, like when there are other cars around, etc, probably forget to use when they really should be. It is impossible to be 100% aware of the road all of the time. I have been saved from having an accident that would have been my fault because I signaled and the car next to me honked to let me know I did not have enough room. It is a safety issue.

SABOTEUR's avatar

BINGO @JLeslie!
(I’d ride with you any day!)

Judi's avatar

over 30 years ago my drivers ed teacher taught us a littl acrynym. S.M.O.G
S Signal

M Mirror

O Over the shoulder glance

G Go

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