Social Question

ucme's avatar

What is something you have won in your life that you earned from endeavour not luck?

Asked by ucme (50052points) January 25th, 2010

Something trivial or significant but nevertheless makes you proud of the achievment. Anything that was earned which represents good memories for you.

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13 Answers

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

A marriage to the most wonderful and beautiful lady in the world. Of course that took effort on both our parts. I never thought myself capable of love before that.

Jude's avatar

“Best Daughter”

(poem from my Mom)

Judi's avatar

First was my Wo He Lo medallion as a campfire girl. (It’s their equivalent of the Eagle Scout.)
I always go back to that (even 30 years later) to remind myself that I am capable of finishing anything.
Most recent is weight loss. Hard work of diet and exercise, and even harder keeping it off 5 years.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I win awards for my artwork and it is always a nice thing to be recognized in that way :)

Dr_Dredd's avatar

The thing that sticks out from high school is a trophy from a local language contest. I was second in the tri-state area for French!

Of course, there was also the medical degree, but that doesn’t have the greatest memories associated with it…

Flo_Nightengale's avatar

When my daughters were about 6 & 7. For Mother’s Day they gave me a small, plastic trophy, filled with M&M’s. The little plaque on it said, “World’s Best Mother.”

ucme's avatar

@Flo_Nightengale Yeah I have Father’s Day trophies to. Worth there weight in gold they are.

Flo_Nightengale's avatar

@ucme I still have the trophy but they ate the M&Ms, haha!

aprilsimnel's avatar

I was a blue-ribbon champion in my state in 1984 for storytelling and a couple of other forensics -type extracurriculars.

nmguy's avatar

I competed for a journalism scholarship against a bunch of high school kids in the early 60’s and won.

It paid for tuition at the University of San Diego. Ended up majoring in Spanish.

VillageIdiot's avatar

I win year supply of goat cheese and tractor fuel when I do funny face of prime minister at party.

ucme's avatar

@VillageIdiot Sacha I told you not to bother me on here. Talk later, high five!!

kritiper's avatar

Outstanding platoon trainee.

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