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speakerhead's avatar

What do you think Apple's next big product will be?

Asked by speakerhead (256points) March 1st, 2008
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17 Answers

mtcnajjar's avatar

iPhone 2 towards the end of this year

freerangemonkey's avatar

I’m actually surprised they have not yet come out with a network attached HDTV yet. I think they could clean up by integrating tv, Internet, media, gaming in a single product a la iMac. If they can figure out how to easily let me use said tv remotely from my MacBook, I would buy one in a heartbeat. Wireless streaming from time machine to the TV would allow them to take iTV to the next level.

YahooSTi's avatar

personally I think apple is not going to relate another iPhone untill at least the mid part of next year. We will see.

rawpixels's avatar

The question is, what will make the iPhone2 different and/or better? 3G? GPS? Thinner phone?

afghanmoose's avatar

from phone techs I hear its a 3G,verizom is swithcing to the edge network,the new 16G iPhone is already out,maybe they might turn out like verizon.

sndfreQ's avatar

@freerange: everything you just described is already featured in the AppleTV 2.0 including streaming to your MacBook. Perhaps the gaming is the only weak/non-existent feature yet to be implemented. Apple has stated that they are not interested in the plasma display business but everything else up to the monitor part is there…in HD.

ishotthesheriff's avatar

after reading this post i had thoughts of “monopoly” running through my head (not the game). i love apple and all their great products, but i mean. . phone, tv, ipod, logic studio… ha

afghanmoose's avatar

well what’s one thing they need to work on or come up with,I think they should team up with nintendo to create the next generation of gaming

RobotVSRobot's avatar

yeah, I can vouch for apple tv…my wife and I love it. You can even convert your own stuff to .MP4s and watch them back on your own tv…awesome buy

sndfreQ's avatar

@ishotthesheriff: Yeah Logic Studio and Final Cut Studio both Rock!

speakerhead's avatar

I think they need to make a digital camera.

freerangemonkey's avatar

@sndfreQ: I haven’t read up much on the new AppleTV. So does it allow me to automatically connect wirelessly from my MacBook and stream video? I thought the media was stored on the AppleTV device.

Too bad about not getting into the tv display biz. I don’t see this as any more of monopoly than already exists in the HDTV market. Almost all of the displays come from one of four mfrs anyway. But to have apple put their design stamp on it would be nice. Most flat panel TVs look like cheap, shiny hunks of crap.

hearkat's avatar

I think they should have made a tablet Mac instead of the Air, considering how well the touch interface of the iPhone works… so that’s what I’m hoping for next.

ishotthesheriff's avatar

wow what a good idea hearkat. never even thought of that!

hearkat's avatar

@ IShotTheSheriff: Apparently they didn’t, either! I always complain that everyone should run their ideas by me first ;)

YahooSTi's avatar

Yes you can stream content from any networked system running iTunes. For example I can select my MP in my bedroom and browse its iTunes contents and play them over the network. Pretty sweet.

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