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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

When was the last time you threw your hands in the air and shouted "Wheeeee!"?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37809points) January 25th, 2010

Is life serious for you all the time? When was the last time you were able to bust loose and just do something for the pure enjoyment or thrill?

Tell us about a time or the last time you had an experience of joy, excitement, or delight.

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31 Answers

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

When I egged a house the other night.

aprilsimnel's avatar

When I was riding this in July.

I love how the kid in this yelps after the 3rd drop, “Dad, I hate you!”

Michael_Huntington's avatar

The last time I went on a rollercoaster
We should have a gathering of flutherites at Six Flags in NJ

frdelrosario's avatar

Last time I got 10 “great answers”.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@aprilsimnel and @Mike_Hunt : Yes! Rollercoasters are great!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@frdelrosario : lol. I can see you sitting in front of your computer with your arms in the air yelling “whee!”

Jude's avatar

Sunday, when I got to snuggle with my chica. Mid-snuggle, I raised my hands in the air, and waved them like I didn’t care. I said, “say, ooooh-ooh…say oh-oh”. Then I went back to snuggling and a bit of macking. <<eyebrow waggle>>

I was happy because I just got over three weeks of being ill (and housebound), and I hadn’t seen all that much of my baby.

<<throws gang sign>>

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@jmah : Right on! glad you’re feeling better and back to snuggling.

rangerr's avatar

@Mike_Hunt MIKE. I LOVE SIX FLAGS. WHY CAN’T I COME? Edit. Just kidding, you changed it.

And yesterday, when I was practicing barrel racing stuff.
I started standing up because I love that thrill.

Supacase's avatar

Last Wednesday, the husband of my pregnant friend says he comes in the house and throws his hands in the air saying, “Wheeeee!” because she is so hormonally unpredictable that life is like an emotional roller coaster.

I shared that with another friend over the weekend and, yes, I did throw my arms up and say “wheee!”

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Supacase : I did a “whee!” in support of the husband. lol. Been there. Done that. lol.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Here you go, @jmah.

Gimme the bridge, y’all!

Jude's avatar

<<grabs aprilismel and dances>>

Whewww. I’m all winded, lady.

deni's avatar

on a rollercoaster last year. woop!

tinyfaery's avatar

Went on the new Mummy ride at Universal Studios on Saturday. Not wheeee, but maybe aaahhh.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Today,I raced the grocery store manager and bag boy with my cart in the parking lot…so what if they were pushing 25 carts each!I still kicked their @$$!
Then of course,there is a dear friend I talked to today.Makes me smile every time :))

casheroo's avatar

Doing that is a daily occurrence. Nothing special here. lol

Bluefreedom's avatar

Riding down the banister of a staircase at my friends house recently. His wife wasn’t amused in the slightest. Luckily I escaped injury from the slide down…...and her.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@casheroo : I want your life! lol.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Bluefreedom : Good to know you didn’t get any splinters in your behind.


Bluefreedom's avatar

@hawaii_jake. You’re not kidding. Splinters half way down would have made for a long ride. =)

jonsblond's avatar

Just last weekend. I went sledding with my sister, her SO, their kids, their neighbor kids and my daughter. It was a huge hill and we had a great time.

Cruiser's avatar

When I found out what I am getting for my birthday this year!! Whee!! ;)

aprilsimnel's avatar

Are you getting a cruiser, perchance?

Cruiser's avatar

@aprilsimnel That would be good….. a 68 Camaro SS convertible is one of two things on my list. The other one is a surprise…I was told I will be getting my surprise!! I love surprises!!!

Jeruba's avatar

It happens a lot. I don’t remember which occasion was the last real “wheee” event (I spell it with three e’s). The last time I said it was about 15 minutes ago, at dinner.

daemonelson's avatar

I don’t actually recall. Odd.

YARNLADY's avatar

About an hour when my grandson came over unexpectedly and we played bowling. Whee! All the pins fell down.

MrsDufresne's avatar

Yesterday when I took my computer chair for a spin.

disenchanted_poisongirl's avatar

I don’t know, but it happens quite often, and I love it!!

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