Do you believe in real life vampires?
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gor_p (
January 25th, 2010
Lots of people claim to be real life vampires. What do you think?
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27 Answers
Lots of people need to get a life, and I don’t mean sucking the blood from their victims necks.
Believe in them? I am one. One, one vampire.
I believe there are people with blood fetishes.
I believe there are people with certain types of anemia, that makes them crave raw meat or bloody organs for the iron content.
I certainly believe in the stories of Elizabeth Bathory.
I know there are people who really sap my energy. However, at best, this is metaphorical.
I think they’re pretty tard, or just lonely.
I believe in energy “vampires”. Certain people have a draining energy about them. I have a friend who will seem down in the dumps, hang out with me, she’s happy, all the sudden I’m not. It’s not intentional though. I think vampires are awesome (Nosferatu is my favorite (and I do not like Twilight… oy vey do I hate when people ask that)) but real ones…. ehhhh… I’m going to have to go with what @Seek_Kolinahr said. I have a Vampire Encyclopedia (I know, I’m pretty great at being cool) and it has a ton of interesting facts about various vampires and the like, but I’m not so sure about the Bela Lugosi as Dracula type of vampires. Though that’d be pretty badass.
I’ve always believed that there are people like Rikki Lake, for example, who are psychic vampires in that they feed off of negative energy.
This other thing that you’re talking about. Um, no. Dressing up an black clothes, wearing black lipstick, cutting ones self or another person and drinking some blood indicates some definite issues that need to be worked out, or not. Lots of these people are perfectly functional otherwise. Are they “real” vampires? No. Their hearts beat, all the systems function, including peristalsis. Do you think a “real” vampire farts? I don’t.
You get time with any of these pseudo vampires and wait long enough, they’ll fart. There go all the cool points. Ooooo, Mr. vampire, not so scary now, are we?
The most ideal place to hide is in plain sight right under the non-existence cloak.
Why limit the infinite kinds of species that could possibly exist?
Anything is possible if you believe it be possible.
Anything is impossible if you believe to be impossible.
People have believed in many things that have turned out to be lies.
This message has been sent by my Blackberry from the Flat Earth Society!!!
OK, a Klingon warship has just de-cloaked off the port bow. Shields up Mr. Zulu, load the Photon torpedoes.
@Trillian Romulans had the cloaking device, not Klingons, and it’s Sulu, not Zulu! (Snork!)
Set phasers on “kill” Mr. Spock!
No, I’m afraid I don’t believe in real life vampires. I know there are people who like to act out the persona’s of creatures of the night or the undead but I’ve yet to meet a real one.
@Rarebear You just passed (or failed, depending on your point of view) the Geek test.
Welcome from the rest of us.
No, and no offence to those who believe they are
I don’t believe in vampires, but I think that the thought of something hiding in the dark waiting to suck blood, with super human strength is a really cool concept. It gives us something to think about. I mean do you want to think that your going to turn into stone everytime Medusa comes around? I don’t find it very interesting.
If you are going to believe in Aliens and life on other planets then why not? I believe in the Bigfoot as well as the LochNess Monster. Who is to say that Vampires are not real?
Psychic vampires! I like that adjective.
Sort of embarrasing, but I put milk and bread out back for the faeries.
@Rarebear @Trillian
Klingons could cloak as well, at least they could in TNG, and Sulu is a helmsman. He doesn’t load any torpedoes. That’s the job of Tactical.
@judochop Until they find Big Poop, I reserve my belief in the existence of Big Foot!
I’m having Lestat, Edward, and Angelis over tonight for mischeif!
i think mischeif has already occurred
yes i know someone very close to me
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