Social Question

How come I have purple speckles in my blood?
I am in phlebotomy classes in school and today we done Wrights (where we do finger capilaries and than add it to a glass film thing, and than dip in into 3 dyes to dye the red blood and white blood cells) and than look at it under a microscope. Anyways the teacher done mine and went to look at it under the microscope and said that my blood was strange because there was hardly any white blood cells however there was purple speakles everywhere that she has not seen before so therefore she could not explain it to me. I throught to myself that it was just that one so me and my friend done it again. She done 3 and i done 6 of them all of 9 of them came the same way. What is wrong with my blood, has this happend to anyone that they know of?