Did your parents give you "the talk" when you were growing up?
When I think about it, I don’t think mine ever did. People are saying this is strange. Is it?
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41 Answers
Well, my parents told me what sex was literally like a week before I learned it in school. And that was only because I asked. But that was pretty much the extent of it. If I ever had a question, I could come to them and they would answer it for me. But I didn’t get a big long talk about it, my dad didn’t tell me about women and what not (thank God because I’m gay. :P). I learned most of it from school. I turned out okay. :)
My dad introduced condoms to me and my brother by filling one up with water and throwing it out a window….. You can assume from there…
My mom gave me I guess what you would consider “the talk” when I was 14 and had my first real boyfriend. Her exact words: “You know you can get your jollies off by doing other things besides sex? Right?” Me: “Don’t worry mom he already bought condoms and we are being safe” then my mom hit me not in a mean abusive way just a shut the hell up kind of way, and I just said the condom thing for the shock value.
no, =[ learned it all in school and from tv. i saw a porno at the age of 7….not exactly apropriate educational material.
I had t.v. and no supervison and I found my dad’s porno collection… when it was time to have the talk I didn’t get any answers…. I had the talk with my mom when i was 30 and then I leared more….and gave some info too…sex ed classs in grade 5 and 11 didn’t help….other than to provide comic relief
Mines didn’t, I found out myself. And those classes at school they make you take too.
My mom told me about sex in tiny increments over time. It was like “the talk” miniseries… and I always dreaded the next episode.
Nope. I guess they assumed I would learn about sex at school and that is what happened. I’m almost 18 and my grandma thinks I don’t know how to have sex. She’s in denial.
I suppose they did. I remember my mother reading to my sister and I from a book that was provided by the school. I don’t remember talking to my sons about it. They might asked and gotten answers, but I think they mostly found out on their own.
I never had the talk. I was given a book, after I got my period. I learned like everyone else did, from my friends, who found out from their older siblings.
Nope. I’m still waiting for “the talk”.
My parents figure that since I was old enough to ask question like “where do babies come from?” that I was old enough to find out. I was like four or five when they started talking to me about it. I have turned out fine, and the classes weren’t like ewwwwww! boys! I found the classes to be interesting. But I never told any of my friends, because it was very taboo. My teachers found out that I knew when we were given an assignment. LOL! The look in their faces was great.
Hmmm. actually gave me a couple of those read and look books, the kind with pictures to go along with the text. One PG rated one R.
I had a few misconceptions for a while after that.
No. Both of them did not want to talk.
Sure did. You get pregnant, we will kill you, disown you and kick you to the curb.
It worked. Didn’t have sex till I was grown and out of the house.
I remember being in junior four (aged 10/11) and someone finding a condom on the school playing fields. When I got home I told my mum that the boys had been picking it up with a stick and flinging it around,she seemed to think this was a good time to tell me about the birds and teh bees. I was in teh bath at teh time, and I remember thinking this water is getting cold, but not wanting to tell her because I knew the talk was important! She also bought us Usborne books and various other books about growing up that we could read and if we had any questions we could ask her!
My parents didn’t give me “the talk”, and I am not aware they did to my 3 other siblings. To my knowledge I guess they figured out we would work it out ourselves. And I pretty much had it sorted by age 12 any way. We had a few lessons of sex education around that age, and I learnt the rest from the good olde internet.
No,not really.My younger brother told me our dad’s talk with him was….“Babies and stuff“LOL!
No, they didn’t give me crap. When I turned 17 my dad gave me a condom and said, “here, keep this in my wallet” and I was like.. uh ok. But i never really cared about the other stuff.. didn’t interest me unless there was a video game system involved.
Yes. It’s been one of the most unnerving and disturbing experiences in my life. It was FULL of TMI moments, it was COMPLETELY unecessary at that point and well, just flat out annoying.
My parents never even uttered the word “sex” in my presence. Have to learn about it from a neighbor. Did not physically learn it from them, but verbally. Wanted to make that very clear.
My parents had my older sister talk to me. She gave me a book about female anatomy and told me that she was there for me if I ever had any questions. It was very awkward.
No. My mom missed “the talk” that we had in school (you know, where they separate the boys and girls- parents were invited, but my mom “forgot” or whatever) so she rented a video at the library, stuck it in the VCR, and left, telling me that if I had any questions to come get her.
My mother’s sex talk consisted of, “Boys only want one thing.” This was said to me at age 16, the night before I was leaving to spend 2 months in Florida to babysit my sister’s kids. (She needed a sitter and she knew I needed a break!) And that “talk” was only because sometimes my sister’s faily would invite this one neighbor boy (my age) to do stuff with them, and she wanted to warn me. Luckily, we had good sex ed classes in my school. It was a little embarassing (for me) in a co-ed setting, but we survived.
And as much as I understand why that was my mom’s attitude, I would have appreciated a more honest, even clinical discussion. Or even a book from her would have been nice. Thank heaven for the encyclopedia!
I got too much talk, frankly, starting with “Men only want women for sex and food” business at 6. It didn’t help that a lot of the men where I grew up seemed to be irresponsible users. I learned the mechanics of sex from books I read at the library as a small kid and had sex ed in 9th grade. The health teacher tried to scare us girls by talking about how big a penis can get, but quite a few of the girls had already had sex, so they’d just look at each other and smirk.
The relational aspects of sex I had to learn on my own. No one talked about that part of it to me, except for the “men are dogs” talk I got from home. Yikes. It took me a long time to learn that the vast majority of men have emotions and weren’t just eating-fucking-sport-watching machines with no feelings or ability to care for their partners.
No, definitely not. I knew more about sex at 12 than my mom ever did.
Nope. I was just told to look it up in the encyclopedia.
Nope. I found out on my own.
No, never. I had found out through finding things and hearing it in school. I wish they had given me the talk. They never told me how it was done, just that boys were after it. I am guessing they were embarassed to talk about it. I was already well informed about what it was by the time they asked me if I wanted to know. When I become a parent I will let my kids know they can ask me anything, and I will educate them on the subject. I think a lot of the problems with pregnancy or unsafe sex stems from igonorance on the subject.
Nope. And I did just fine.
nope… I seemed to know from a very early age… which is a little disturbing actually
My mom died when I was 12 ans shortly after my dad gave me the talk after finding me with the neighbor girl sitting on my bedroom floor nude, facing each other and exploring each others bodies. Later that month he learned that I had found out the important stuff when i brought up the subject of sex along with bondage only to begin sharing mt passion with rope with that same neighbor girl.
Mine gave me the “birds and bees” talk when I was about 5 years old. Obviously they didn’t go into all the gory details but I got the general idea. At least, when it came to sex education lessons at school, I wasn’t as shocked as the boy sitting next to me who fainted after watching a video (before the days of DVD’s!) of a woman giving birth! We were about 8 years old!!!
I never got the talk – Never wanted it either lol
Yes. My parents told me when I was nine when I asked them, but I also had a basic idea from what other kids told me.
I live in a cave, thus have never experienced sexual intercourse or the joys of having a parent to explain.
I typically just stay here and occasionally party all night with the desert creatures.
My favorite birds and bees talk came from my brother. “Insert tab A into slot B. You know you’re doin it wrong if she asks you who are you, or if you get hit. Always try for the high score, and repeat chances arn’t a pity play, it means she’s after your wallet.”
@baxter For the Kung Pow reference: Nice.
at 16 my dad said “just remember good enough to sleep with good enough to marry , and if she’s wiliing to sleep with you who isnt she willing to sleep with?” ummm thanks dad
I hae no idear what yer da’ was on about, there. It’s all a jumble of contempt.
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