General Question

trailsillustrated's avatar

Is there a way to whisper or strike a word in email?

Asked by trailsillustrated (16804points) January 26th, 2010

like we do on fluther whisper, or—strike——? where there’s a word with a line through it?

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7 Answers

Ansible1's avatar

For the words you’d like to whisper just make the font smaller, and i believe there is an actual font called strikeout

trailsillustrated's avatar

@Ansible1 how do you find the fonts?

janbb's avatar

It would depend on your e-mail programming and what formatting is available, wouldn’t it? Which do you use?

trailsillustrated's avatar

yahoo? or gmail?

janbb's avatar

In gmail, if you go into “Compose Mail” there is a bar with the formatting tools on it, directly under the address box. There are fonts, size, bold, italics, etc. tabs you can use to make selections. i don’t see one for strkeouts but it may be there if you look.

janbb's avatar

de nada!

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