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What do you think of Obama's proposed budget freeze?
So Obama is set to announce a budget that will freeze all spending increases in domestic discretionary spending, resulting in about 10 billion dollars in savings a year. Essentially this will have serious consequences for states, cities, poor people, national parks, and lots of other programs, but will have a completely meaningless impact on the deficit. Meanwhile we have now spent over a trillion dollars on wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the pentagon budget is considered sacrosanct. I’ve been trying really hard to give Obama the benefit of the doubt, knowing he was never going to be everything I wanted him to be, but this to me is blatant pandering to the tea party crowd at the expense of the well being of the people and the nation, all because Massachusetts elected a Republican. That’s darn close to just me being on a soapbox, I know, but what do you all think of this plan?
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