@galileogirl: The sad truth is under current laws, you can’t make anyone accept treatment for mental illness.
though I won’t say exactly how, because I don’t want anyone to take notes and implement the knowledge against some poor person, you can, in fact, force people to accept psychiatric intervention against their will. they have now specific programs designed to keep watch on people to make sure that they comply with “treatment plans”.
in a way, though, you speak the truth. you can’t force anyone to accept psychiatric intervention.
true, honest, unfeigned leveling can perhaps get you somewhere. you have to strip away the layers of deceit and manipulation and dishonesty, though, in yourself, before you begin.
my family would not speak to my mother about some destructive habits that she has that alienate all of us. they assumed that she wouldn’t listen, why bother?, etc. I took it upon myself to do it. now, I got part of the way through. I don’t trust psychiatry. I don’t trust the shrinks. no one else offered to help so I took it up on myself.
(your mother as described, by the way, sounds a bit like mine, though she has gotten better. in her heyday she accused me of starting a house fire on purpose—I didn’t know this until last year—, and had me locked up in a mental institution twice. both times scarred me severely and I haven’t gotten over those experiences.)
both of us have a personal stake and strong beliefs about this matter, you because of your past and me because of mine. still, your situation does not apply completely to another person’s situation. you don’t have the same mother as the original poster.