General Question

jordy240's avatar

What math equation should I use to represent amount of caffeine according to this chart?

Asked by jordy240 (131points) January 26th, 2010


I am trying to create a spreadsheet/web app that will show a graph like this:

you enter in how many mg’s of caffeine each drink contained that you drank throughout the day and it yields a graph like the one above.

any help would be appreciated!

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1 Answer

hiphiphopflipflapflop's avatar

Making the simplifying assumption that the drink goes in a single gulp and all the caffeine goes into the bloodstream immediately, all you are left with is exponential decay (caffeine metabolized) and step functions (caffeine uptake).

Caffiene(new time) = [Caffiene(previous time) x (½)^(time step/half-life)] + Caffiene ingested at new time

(see half-life)

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