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john65pennington's avatar

If you were really cold, would you trust battery-operated electric underwear?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) January 26th, 2010

I rode a police motorcycle for seven years. we were so cold, that some of the officers wore womens stretch nylons to stay warm. traveling at 70 mph, on the interstate and the temperature is 20 above, is like minus 40 on the human skin. everything was cold. if they made battery-operated electric underwear, would you wear them? would you trust them?

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19 Answers

DeanV's avatar

I’d have to be pretty damn cold to let a contraption like battery powered underwear near my junk.

jordy240's avatar

Considering that warm temperatures effect sperm growth, I would not buy warming underwear.

SeventhSense's avatar

i think that they do.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

LOL!No,I want to be able to trust that my underwear won’t do anything shocking.

john65pennington's avatar

Lucy you never cease to amaze me.

chyna's avatar

That’s probably not the area that would be the coldest on me, it would probably be my feet or hands, so no, I wouldn’t wear hot undies.

shego's avatar

Hell no. I would rather have a battery heated sweater.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@john65pennington -That’s what he said!!lol!

Trillian's avatar

I’d be afraid of a short. Get it? Short? Hehehehe Thanks, I’m here all week!
Honestly, I can’t imagine how miserable it would be riding a motorcycle in the cold. And I’m from Michigan. I’d rather put a stick in my eye.
Let’s let Robo cop go after the speeders. “Come quietly or there will be…trouble” We’ll all just stay in and have coco.

Buttonstc's avatar

Personally, I’d be extremely reluctant. As someone else mentioned, the extremities are more likely to need extra help.

Skiers gloves and heated socks would be sufficient for me. They have these feet warmers in camping stores which are small packets which create heat for several hours by means of some type of chemical reaction which is activated.

Somehow electric things just inspire confidence. Even plain old woolen socks would do a better job I feel.

DominicX's avatar

I don’t know about you, but I’m rarely cold in the underwear-covered region. In fact, it’s usually one of the warmest parts of my body.

I’d have to be damn near actually freezing before I would need something like that.

trailsillustrated's avatar

yes. I would definitely wear it

Haleth's avatar

Um, they do make battery-operated underwear. :p

sjmc1989's avatar

I don’t know, I think that it might get me more aroused than warm. I mean come on nice warmth in that region I would never leave the house!

SeventhSense's avatar

hey this is a family thread..

sjmc1989's avatar

Damn Dang I did it again! My apologies.

borderline_blonde's avatar

Hm… do these electric underwear come in a g-string model? Panty lines are the devil’s tool.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Living where extreme cold is common in the winter, I have found that layering is very effective.
Since batteries perform poorly in extreme cold, and fabrics with embedded wiring are tricky to wash, I would prefer long underwear that wicks away excess perspiration, under my jeans or pants and I wear bib-overall style thermal pants over my normal pants when temperatures are 15 or more degrees below freezing and the winds are strong.

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