Social Question

fundevogel's avatar

Is there a doctor in the house?

Asked by fundevogel (15511points) January 26th, 2010

Seriously, there seem to be an awful lot of doctors here. And I ask you, are you a real doctor, or are you a love doctor? What field of expertise are you a doctor of? Under what situation would you be just the right man (or woman) for the job? Can I safely ignore your advice on strange rashes or will I be forced to live with the terrible consequences of my hubris until it deals me a merciful death?

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14 Answers

HTDC's avatar

(Just a thought of mine that nobody really cares about) but I wonder why “or woman” is put in brackets. It’s not as if female doctors are rare, I don’t understand your reasoning for that.

casheroo's avatar

There are only two doctors on here who I truly trust as doctors. Adding “Dr” to your screen name does not make you a doctor.

AstroChuck's avatar

@casheroo- One of those being Dr. J, right?

Darwin's avatar

I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV. I just have a lot of experience with medical woes and the medical system.

And I can Google like nobody’s business.

Ruallreb8ters's avatar

lol…Im an amature gynecologist

IBERnineD's avatar

Dr.C I call my love doctor since he solves all my relationship woes!

Dr_C's avatar

I am Jane’s love doctor. I am also an MD. One of our amazing Mods is also a doctor…. ID.

OneMoreMinute's avatar

On the box of Fluther it says to use advice sparingly, or with your own discretion!
or something like that!

fundevogel's avatar

@HTDC In this case I added “or woman” in brackets because the usual expression “the right man for the job” sounds comically male centric. It was more a style choice or a tongue in cheek nod to gratuitous political correctness (relative to an overly “good ‘ol boy” expression) than it was a reflection of any particular views of professional women.

But I also suspect that I overuse use parenthesis, so it might be enough to blame it on poor punctuation.

Allie's avatar

I’d only trust @Dr_C and the ModDoc to answer any questions I had. I sincerely believe they would give me honest (and informed) advice and opinions.
The res of you “Dr’s” can move along. I’ve got my doctor fix covered.
P.S. – I bet my doctors are smexier than your doctors.

ucme's avatar

@Ruallreb8ters Oh come on that’s a little white lie isn’t it. I see cracks in your statement~

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I am not, nor have I ever claimed to be a medical doctor.

I have an earned doctorate in psychology. I worked in the Faculty of Medicine for over 20 years and am well informed for a non-physician.

I do not dispense specific medical advice or diagnose medical conditions outside my demonstrated areas of academic expertise.

My doctorate is real and from a reputable academic institution. My field is not Medicine.

MagsRags's avatar

CNM/NP = Certified Nurse Midwife/Nurse Practitioner

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