What is the best vampire movie and show of all time?
My lady and I absolutely love good vampire stories whether they be books, movies, or TV shows. There have been a lot of such genre over the time and I want your take on what your favorite is and why. What do you also think has been the worst movies / shows of all time.
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61 Answers
I absolutely LOVE Buffy the vampire slayer ( the show ) because it really evolved into a complex show with emotions, suspense, and thrills. I mean, next to star trek its my favorite show of all time. Usually shows that start out from stupid movies never make it past season 1 but Joss Whedon really pulled this thing to become super spectacular in my opinion. Probably the worst one i have seen was Vampiore in Brooklyn. Wow.. to me that just sucked @ss.
Movie: Blade
Series: Hellsing
@ragingloli What made those series and movies so compelling to you?
‘Interview with the vampire’ and ‘Van Helsing’. I don’t know the worst.
Blade was awesome and badass, and Alucard was also awesome and badass.
Queen of the Damned and Dark Shadows.
If anyone answers ‘Twilight’ to this…..
But really, ‘Van Helsing’ has got to be the best. And don’t forget about ‘The Little Vampire’ =).
The little vampire was cute! Who was in Love at first bite?
Film – The Lost Boys or Near Dark.
TV – Angel and Buffy.
Best film: Near Dawn (grity realism that strips vampires of their romance)
Interview with a Vampire (basically the opposite of the above)
Best TV: True Blood (just love that southern drawl)
I’m with @Lightlyseared concerning The Lost Boys for best vampire movie. I was 16 and had just moved across the country, much like the main characters, when the movie came out. I could relate to the feelings of loneliness and trying to fit in with a new group of people, which made the story more compelling for me.
Best: Bela Lugosi’s original Dracula.
Worst: Dracula vs. Billy The Kid
Movie: Nosferatu (both silent and Herzog’s versions)
TV series: never saw a vampire TV series
@Tenpinmaster George Hamilton, Susan Saint James, Arte Johnson, and Sherman Hemsley. It’s from 1979.
30 Days of Night
I don’t watch vampire series, but I once read a book called They Thirst. It scared the pants off me. I had a nightmare that I remember to this day.
@Tenpinmaster And Richard Benjamin! I can’t believe I forgot to add him in there.
@Tenpinmaster that was a great movie! ‘79? I graduated in ‘79. Yeeesh.
I haven’t seen a lot of vampire movies, but Buffy was definitely the best TV series, for all the reasons @Tenpinmaster mentioned. I really liked Moonlight too, but it didn’t last very long. I just loved how they set up the rules of the vampire world and how it interacted with the human world – it’s one of the most plausible and realistic versions of a vampire story I’ve ever seen. Be forewarned, though, they stopped in the middle of a season and didn’t tie up any loose ends – if that’s going to drive you crazy, don’t watch!
I know you didn’t ask for books, but since you mention them in the details of your question, Sunshine by Robin McKinley is without a doubt the best vampire book I’ve ever read, followed closely by The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. Two completely different styles of vampire stories, but both so good I couldn’t put them down for days.
For me, Let the Right One In, and Near Dark.
I liked the movie “Fright Night”....can’t remember why.lol!
Dark Shadows, hands down. No vampire was cooler than Barnabas Collins. I mean the original, played by Jonathan Frid.
Of course True Blood has a lot of sex and nudity, which is nice. Hmmm…
Nosferatu was damn scary. German silent pictures in general are kinda scary, though. Even stuff like Pandora’s Box.
Interview with the Vampire was funny to me, but I’m sure it wasn’t supposed to be. I couldn’t buy Tom Cruise as a sexy vampire, and that’s just for starters. What was supposed to be a fever dream of a film turned into a lot of arch overacting, even by the then-12 year old Kristen Dunst. Plus, the source material leaves a lot to be desired, as well, IMO.
Add me to the list of people who absolutely loved Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The humor was fantastic, and it was nice to see a strong female character in prime time.
I was less enamored with Angel, though.
TV: Buffy, all the way. I can’t start talking about it or I won’t stop.
Movie: undecided. (edit) Ok, I decided on From Dusk ‘til Dawn. Love Tarantino (and Rodriguez!).
@aprilsimnel You are spot on with Interview with the Vampire
Van Helsing
and I don’t have a movie I don’t like, but I don’t like any of the tv series.
Buffy the vampire slayer ( Spyke powa !)
I liked Buffy. I loved american werewolf in london. and sean of the dead.
TV: Buffy
Movie: To Die For
@jonsblond Ha! Now that I could watch all day. True Blood, not so much.
Buffy is one of the few main characters that were so unpleasant and unlikeable that I wanted her to die whenever I (sporadically) watched it.
Did anyone else think Van Helsing was just godawful?
I’m going to go with Nosferatu for the movie and second @ragingloli with Hellsing for the series I guess.
Van Helsing was one of the worst movied I’ve ever seen.
The best movie and show (that I can think of at the moment) would be Interview With A Vampire and Dark Shadows.
We defiantly have a lot of van helsing fans. I suppose in regards to buffy is you really love it or really hate it. From dusk till dawn was a very interesting movie. I think they made more then one am i right? Some of these listed I haven’t seen so I will defiantly have to check them out! :) Fantastic answers. Anybody read any of the Ann Rice books?
@Mike Hunt-Was Brewster that boy that had the wicked laugh?
@lucillex3 Nah that was Evil Ed
@shego :) wow. Do you have a favorite book by her?
@Tenpinmaster There is more than one “From Dusk Till Dawn” but only the first one was helmed by both Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez. I always avoided the follow ups since it I thought it was the distinct style of those two that made the movie so enjoyable.
F. W. Murnau’s Nosferatu.
best ever.
Film: Let the Right One In
30 Days of Night was not too bad either
Series: Dexter… Oops
Ah! Bram Stokers Dracula – Guilty pleasure
@kidkosmik I just saw Bram Stokers Dracula, and for all it’s flaws I thought it captured the sexuality of the vampire better than any other vampire movie I’ve seen. It didn’t sacrifice it’s repulsive elements for the sake of sexy vampires, it just mixed the beautiful and repulsive into one big unapologetic sexual mess. And I mean that in the best way.
And hey, Monica Belucci was totally one of Dracula’s brides. She’s my favorite sex kitten.
Blade was the best vampire movie that I have seen. As far as series go I liked Moonlight and to a lesser extent True Blood.
I hated Bram Stroker’s Dracula and From Dusk Till Dawn.
@fundevogel Well said Sir!
@Corey_D I liked Blade as well. The ending ruined the movie for me though.
@aprilsimnel I have diary of a lost girl on tape, and Pandora’s Box on dvd. Louise Brooks rocks!
Oh True blood.. i heard about that. Is that a new show? What is the theme of this show?
tv show” true blood….although the books are better,
movie…..bela lugosi’s dracula has to be up there….loved him…
Movie:——- Twilight saga: new moon
TV show:—————— True Blood
Bram Stoker’s Dracula Love Never Dies. (1992, Francis Ford Coppola.)
I have to say it was pretty damn loyal to the book, from the story all the way down to the imagery and fancy after dinner brandy and cigar puffing sessions.
The tragedy and romance works just like it did in the book, plus it’s all classy and Goth.
Also, the colour remake of Nosferatu (1979, Werner Herzog..) is a must see, if you like classic and old fashioned vampires, anyway.
Buffy the Vampire SLayer and Angel.Loved Angel!The best movie is Van Helsing.
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