If you could tell anyone something you held back, could you?
If so, who would it be, what would you say, and what would you hope to accomplish by it?
We all hold things back, but sometimes it’s not for the best. I know I wish that someone people wouldn’t have held back, so maybe other people think the same.
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23 Answers
I can’t think of anything specifically. I don’t hold back. The only time I felt held back was because of the other person’s very deliberate decision to block me out.
I would tell somebody I like them more than they know.
The funny thing is,I usually don’t hold back.I recently told someone something that I have been holding back for quite a while and I don’t regret it :)
I typically do not hold back, which gets me into trouble constantly; tis the price for brutal honesty. However, I have avoided my father for years and have built up many things I want to say to him. I’d tell him how much it hurt when he would show up to get me so high/drunk in the middle of the night that my mother had to call the cops. I’d tell him I saw him….saw his face as he watched something bad happen to me. I’d tell him he never hugged me the way a father should hug a daughter. I would tell him he will probably never be a dad to me, even if he apologized for everything.
I’m male, so the one thing we don’t do enough of is to tell the important people in our lives how much we love them. Three little words,“I love you” and we don’t usually utter them enough. So far I see only women have answered, come on guys.
The things I hold/have held back are nothing positive, that’s for sure and so I keep them from the particular people in order not to be destructive. There’d be nothing gained, nothing resolved, no lesson to learn but there would be a lot of hurt, guilt, loathing and rage. Not worth it. I’d rather burn up that energy in the enjoying the people I care about, love and want to invest my life in now.
@hungryhungryhortence Excellent answer and attitude. Dwelling on the bad usually leads to more bad. Dwelling on the good will hopefully lead to more good.
@Adirondackwannabe: I’m so tired of hurting people I love. Once ugly words come out of your mouth then you can’t take them back, they are rarely forgotten and at some point they start to weigh against the good stuff, they start to erode romance, respect and love becomes a memory of the good-love, becomes not-good-enough-to-go-forward-anymore kind of love.
@hungryhungryhortence I can’t phrase it any better than that. If I had come across this site when I was a kid, I might have avoided causing some of the pain I did. I learn by screwing up, and unfortunately, I’ve learned a lot over the years.
@Adirondackwannabe: I also learn by screwing up because as a kid then no one in my immediate family (save one person) believed in love any longer and the view of relationships and what goes into growing and honoring one was looked on as “archaic” and a lost cause. Thing is, people like us can learn new ways and get a bit farther each time we make efforts.
I figure if meth addicts can recover, my mother can stop shopping and KOKO the gorilla can use a computer then there is hope for us all to do just about anything.
@Dibley I still take chances. I’m more careful so I don’t hurt others
@Dibley The hardest part of answering that is whose life am I going to change?
@Dibley That’s what makes big changes tough.
@Adirondackwannabe I don’t think people like us can create enough of an impact to really change lives… But then again I am kinda a cynic by nature…
More than having things I have held back, I sometimes find that I wish I had disclosed less.
@Dr_Lawrence: Bravo! There are some things between people that really don’t add anything to the mix if shared. I know there are things in my life I’d rather have not known or seen.
When I was little my friend was hit by a car while walking the street on a major road. I wish I went to play flag football the day before he died. I was more interested hanging out with the new girls in my neighborhood trying to fit in and be a girly girl. I just wish I had took him up on the offer and spent one last day with him.
I would like to tell this person I know that she is an immature, spoiled brat, but it would only make our relationship even harder to keep up, and she doesn’t really even care.
I’d like to disclose romantic feelings, but it would get no one anywhere. I’d like to tell a friend how much certain things she does irratate me in hopes of improving our relationship. I’d also like to tell more than one friend that they cause the majority of the drama in thier relationships and need to look at things from both sides.
Id tell my mother that I hate what she did to me, but that ill always love her.
and this one girl that she really does mean the world to me…
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