Are you going to be watching a live blog today for the big Apple event?
Apple is holding a big event today at 1:00PM Eastern to announce it’s new products and software to the masses. Are you so excited that you have to watch a live blog to have up-to-the-minute updates on the event? Will you just wait until later to read an article about it? Are you actually attending the event? Or do you not care?
If you do care, what are you most excited to hear about from this event?
Live blog links:
Ars Technica
Feel free to share any other live blogs you know of in your replies.
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88 Answers
I fall into the “don’t care” category. Whatever they announce will be in the news later.
I’ll read about it after. What I’m really waiting for is demos of the new tablet on the Apple website, like they had with the iPhone, so I can see if it’s really super cool or not.
I am a gadget whore.
I will be watching coverage on at least four different sites. Even though I will probably never buy any of the items.
Here is one more: iPod Touch Fans
I’ll be watching. Call me a sucker for the hype.
Well I have a few thousand fish to feed at 1pm, otherwise I’d probably watch. I will play catch-up as soon as all the fishies are fed… and I’ve washed my hands. :)
Yup—and it will probably be while I’m in a boring meeting.
Apple will be my entertainment :)
Yes, ill be watching. It directly effects my work.
Are there any video feeds available?
@andrew Apple puts the fear of god into people who try to stream video from their events.
Well, the only way I’d watch is if the announcement was that Steve Jobs will never again get sick or die because his “operating system” has been replaced by the next-gen version of the Apple OS, Panther! With new Intel sextuplet-core processors! Then he’d do the moonwalk and some splits, a dance routine à la Beyoncé, and then he’d wirelessly link up with an audience member’s Mac Pro and edit the short film on the desktop with iMovie and project the finished product to the crowd onto the screen from his own retinas.
What? Too many expectations?
@aprilsimnel Panther was 10.3, i believe. Which was like 6+ years ago.
Well, some other cat, then. Maine Coon 1.0.
No. I couldn’t care less.
Currently watching: 1 2 3 4
Don’t judge me!
Wow. Heh, nerds, all of you. <3
@Allie dont ask me for a discount then.
And it’s not televised anywhere, right?
The link @phoenyx gave has an audiofeed.
I’m currently watching Ars Technica and Gizmodo. Ars Technica is really good.
Steve Jobs just announced: 250 million iPods sold since 2001.
NoooOoooOoooo!!! It’s called the iPad…
Wow…that is so incredibly lame. A giant iPhone, really Apple? You have no new ideas, at all? Even the lock screen is the same…
Did this thread just turn into a liveblog?
There was a “missing plug-in error” when he opened a website… no Flash?!
there’s speculation as to flash on gizmodo.
this is fantastic!
the store’s not down yet, though. odds are it’s not coming out for a bit.
@J0E why change the interface and make people learn yet ANOTHER way to interact with the device? trust me, people have enough of a problem as is.
Holy crap, it runs iPhoto! Please let this have a USB so i can use it to remotely backup photos from my camera (or at least an SD card slot)....
@eponymoushipster Agreed. But c’mon, we have this nice big screen now and we’re still using 4 icons across, and we’re still using a slide to unlock, and we still don’t have a row of numbers on the keyboard. They have this great piece of technology and they are not utilizing it to the fullest.
The OS seems like a hybrid between Mac OS and the iPhone OS, but more like the iPhone OS… hm.
btw there are more feeds on that audio feed page, the feed works flawlessly for me
When did Apple stop featuring NBC? Is that old news?
The OS is really bumming me out.
@J0E Would have to agree with you on that one.
@andrew NBC withdrew from the iStore a week or so ago. I think they made an agreement with Microsoft (for the Zune), and Microsoft does like to be exclusive.
10 hours of battery life! Now, that’s what I’m talking about.
1 month standby! what’s the price point dammit???
this is a great in-between product. runs OS X type apps (like iphoto), but runs iphone apps too.
I dunno—I’m not seeing a huge market…
The hardware is amazing, the software…not so much.
The product sure is in between, but I don’t think the price will be :)
This thing would be great to run Skype on and make video calls.
i calling $499—$799, depending on capacity – starting from the iPod touch price points.
Yes, this thread is now an Apple event live blog.
i should mention, if it’s $499—$799, it falls between the price points for an ipod touch and the introductory laptop, the macbook, which starts at $999.
@andrew Haven’t heard too much about the hardware yet. I would be devastated if this thing didn’t carry a camera. I’ll keep you posted.
@andrew I don’t think so either. Wait for the iPad v2.. I get the feeling they’re holding back some features for future implementations.
I’m also not sure about the move toward individual app stores.
@andrew What do you mean? All iphone apps work on the iPad, they will look a little bloated but developers can make their app ready for both devices with a little extra work.
there’s gotta be a “one more thing” moment to this device.
then we wait for iphone announcements.
You can watch live baseball games with your choice of home or away announcers!
And there we have it… iBooks; the Kindle killer.
iwork for the thing? NICE.
Great. As if I wasn’t already addicted to Apple everything. Now I’ve got another reason to sell my kidney.
So it’s not a laptop but can do everything a laptop can do? Don’t know how to feel about that.
@markyy it’s certainly less bulky than a laptop. and better battery life.
And has innovative touch screen capabilities.
damn i called it on the price.
i called it. it falls right between the price points for the touch products and the laptops themselves.
$829 for 3g enabled 64gb…we’ll see on that.
60 days for the wifi, 90 days to the 3g models!
That price is earning some love from me.
What’s with the 2 different sizes in the advertisement? Anyway, I never owned anything apple but I do like the iPad. Sure there are no killer crazy new features, but it’s solid and cheap. I kind of want one to Fluther already.
well a lot cheaper than expected
the differences are capacity and 3g capability.
the price points are 499, 599, 699 + 130 to any model for 3g internet.
month-to-month, no contract, pre-pay with ATT for 3g. apparently debuting 60–90 days in the US.
i can tell you this: the no contract thing is a great thing. and the fact that steve said you can swap out your micro SIM with any provider who uses it is also very interesting.
@markyy let’s see if there’s even an employee discount. which there isnt for iphone.
@eponymoushipster Sure I get it buddy, you can only get a couple of items with a discount, right? I’ll take it to the pm’s :p
OH MAN do I ever want one of these puppies! My laptop is ooold and slowly dying, so after I finish my Master’s (aka when I have an income) I was planning to get a desktop and a new laptop, but maybe I’ll get a desktop and an iPad instead…
@fireinthepriory That’s what I’m talking about. This kind of device is the way to go unless you really need serious power from your laptop, and if you need that kind of power maybe you really need a desktop and one of these instead.
Wait a minute. So, there’s no camera on this thing… back nor on the front?!
Why do people care so much about a camera anyway?
@Snarp I’d like to make video calls with the thing. That’d be sweet. I suppose taking pictures with it would be kind of odd, given it’s size.
@erichw1504 OK, I can see video calls. I don’t think it will be a deal breaker. Maybe the next gen will have it.
I’d rather hold a magnifying glass over my iPhone…
Apple + iPad = Fail. Big, nasty, clotted, flushed fail..
I want to, and i think ill waitt for later version of the ipad…. when it actually improves and is not too much like the ipod touch, because i already have one… that and a macbook pro 13 inch
Agreed, @ipodtouchh4x0r, I’m not gonna buy one tomorrow! I’ll definitely wait till the next generation. I never buy first generation anything, be it from apple or canon or lacie… Maybe they’ll add a camera, that is one thing I think they were very silly not to include.
i jaibroke my ipod touch, then named the ipod touch ipad mini… and the carrier is also named ipad mini… its AWESOME!
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