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OneMoreMinute's avatar

Has anyone ever wanted to send their inner-child away to an orphanage for adoption?

Asked by OneMoreMinute (2584points) January 27th, 2010

What do you do to tame your inner-child when it sabotages you? Or in what ways does she/he act out that you have given up on? Or what’s the most effective way to work with the little demon?

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12 Answers

Pandora's avatar

Nope its just who I am. Sometimes my inner child says exactly what I wanted to say but the adult me is too sometimes too nice.
And sometimes the inner child just needs to breathe so I can relax a little. If I hold it all in than BUBBA comes out and thats not pretty.

Spinel's avatar

No way! I need it! Inner children are good for writers…

I just disciple mine when she gets out of hand – no chocolate for a month.

AstroChuck's avatar

I have two inner children and they only play with each other.

VohuManah's avatar

Remember the ultimate tip: when in doubt, ductape usually works.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Ha, I remove myself and the child away from others and in the vicinity of my own children who understand that sort of stuff.

DeanV's avatar

I’m way ahead of you.

borderline_blonde's avatar

@AstroChuck Jealous!! I only have one :(

I let my inner-child jump on the bed AND throw tantrums. I figure she won’t grow up, so I might as well let her have some fun.

DrMC's avatar

depends on it’s nature

Some are harnessed with high doses of haldol, others work with a little lithium.

Fear has its place too.

For the ultimate high, find another likeminded individual and suppress all but your inner child, preferably with a set of skis on.

reacting_acid's avatar

I think my inner child is gone already. Haven’t seen her in years.

Fyrius's avatar

If I’d get rid of my inner child, there wouldn’t be much left of me.

I love candy, I don’t want to go to bed, I model myself after heroes from TV and video games, and I’m easily distracted by shiny objects.

OneMoreMinute's avatar

thanks everybody for the fun suggestions… and continue enjoying your little ones, and twins! I hope there’s more suggestions coming.

OneMoreMinute's avatar

Good work @reacting_acid I was wondering if they ever grew up and leave the nest! Congrats on doing a fine inner parenting job!

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