Oh yeah. I think it’s selfish. The thing is that most of the people who don’t want children are exactly the people who should be having children. If you’re aware enough to understand over-population, then it’s like you will teach your children those values. If you refuse to have children, then the people who don’t care about the planet are the only ones having kids, and the problem of over-population will only get worse. If you use this as an excuse not to have children, then you are actually defeating the whole purpose of the gesture.
If you believe you don’t want children for reasons other than the desire to not contribute to overpopulation—then several of those reasons are also obviously selfish. For example, if you don’t want to have children because you don’t want your lifestyle to change, then clearly you are doing that for yourself.
One that’s a little trickier is if you don’t want to have children because you don’t believe you will be a good parent. You might think you will parent the way your parents did, and you don’t want to do to a child what was done to you. This attitude suggests that you don’t think anyone can learn from mistakes, which is ridiculous. If you are aware of problems, then you are most likely not to make that same mistake again. So it’s probably just an excuse to cover over some other reason. The self-hatred argument is a version of the “I don’t want to abuse” argument.
In some cases, though, the don’t want to abuse argument has merit. If you are pederast, for example, I think it would make sense to abstain from procreation. If you have a genetic condition like cystic fibrosis, I think it might make sense—or at the very least, to do genetic testing before allowing the pregnancy to continue.
Another reason I find problematic is if the person hates children. In general, I don’t think such people should have children. You can be pretty sure they will abuse the child. There’s also a part of me that wonders if it’s really true. I was always very uneasy and uncomfortable around children until I had my own. I always felt that my way of parenting would be anathema to most other parents, and they wouldn’t want me near their kids. But once I had my own, there was no one to tell me I couldn’t do it that way (unless they appeared at school with strange bruises and claimed to have fallen down the staircase). But, for the most part, I guess if you hate children—truly hate them—you would be doing everyone a favor by not having them.
[wundayatta now ducks and covers to protect himself from all the bombs he thinks will be sent his way]