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Blackberry's avatar

Why do some people talk in this manner?

Asked by Blackberry (34367points) January 28th, 2010

I have known a few people that seem to have no censor at all in their brain or mouth. They don’t necessarily say offensive things about other people, but they put all of their business out to anyone who is listening. For example, a co worker I know, after knowing him for about a month or 2, tells me out of the blue that he used to have chlamydia and herpes while already telling me about his promiscuous past. He tells me and other people that he fantasizes about raping his ex-wife, just really strange private stuff that you would expect a person would want to keep secret no matter what. He told me that he feels the rich should stay rich and the poor should stay poor, just very shocking things, and he’s not joking at all, he’s already made that clear.

The list goes on, and I just perplexed why someone would say such incriminating and embarassing things about themselves so non chalantly. Have you ever know anyone like this? I repeatedly tell him that he shouldn’t tell everyone so much stuff about him. It’s like he wants someone to confront him intentionally or something.

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24 Answers

Snarp's avatar

I know a teenager who had a pretty bad head injury and it damaged the part of his brain that handles controlling impulses. He has had to work very hard to understand what is appropriate to say and what is not and it’s always a conscious decision. There are lots of ways that such a problem could occur: birth defect, disease, injury.

Or maybe he just grew up in a social circle where the usual societal norms weren’t practiced.

Or he’s a jerk.

EdMayhew's avatar

Does he write a comic strip called cyanide and happiness?

But seriously, maybe he’s just looking for attention. The best thing you can really do is ignore it, he’ll get fired eventually and then you won’t have to deal with it. Trying to resolve or confront the situation will only encourage him.


ucme's avatar

Sounds pretty much like an average day on fluther to me.

Mariah's avatar

I know a kid like this. I barely even know who he is, yet he sits next to me in study hall and starts rambling on to me about anything and everything. He even started talking like this to my mom when she came into school one day to pick me up, even though he had never met her before. I’ve often wondered myself why some people are like this.

SeventhSense's avatar

I used to have this type of thing happen to me all the time but it rarely does now. Sometimes it can indicate that someone feels comfortable enough with you that they feel that they can trust you. Other times it can be simply an indication of a lack of healthy boundaries on the part of one or both parties. I’m guessing with him it’s the latter. I don’t know either of you so I can’t say for certain but that would be my guess.

Jude's avatar

The man is “a little off” and is seeking attention here.

Snarp's avatar

Maybe he just has no fear, in which case it’s a toss up whether he will become extraordinarily successful or a psychopath. Or an extraordinarily successful psychopath.

life_after_2012's avatar

He’s testing the water in my opinion. I think he is paying close attention to how you react. Maybe you have something he wants. I could be over reacting, but im getting a bad feeling about your qeustion. Me personally, i would tell him to his face that he is a sick fuck and probably push his buttons untill we fist fight. I’ve known some vile people in my 27 years on planet earth and this guy sounds like one of them.

janbb's avatar

If you’re looking for a way to handle it tactfully, I would probably just say “Whoa, TMI (or too much information) a few times when he does it and see if he takes the hint. If he doesn’t, say it and walk away from him. He should get the message. Some people like to shock, some people are exhibitionists, some have no filter – all you can do is control your reaction to it when it happens and indicate that it is not acceptable to you.

marinelife's avatar

I don’t know, but I think it is a type of mental disorder. i once worked with a woman who told me about her husband’s erectile disfunction (I imaging him with a giant sign pointing down toward his crotch when I finally met him. I felt awful knowing what I did about him and him not knowing that I knew.) She also told all of us that she didn’t wear underwear, which made us use Lysol on the seats of the shared machines where we input data.

life_after_2012's avatar

By the way i am not advising that you handle things like me. If your not conditioned to handle these kind of people just walk away. I have a very fearless nature and thats a stuoid qaulity because i won’t stay young forever, but there are some things i can’t just stand by and watch anymore.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

When people do that to me,I never show suprise.It sounds like he likes to shock or wants attention.

Trillian's avatar

I’ve wondered about this myself. I have a pretty low tolerance for strangers and non intimates talking about their personal business. It seems to happen to me every time I get in a line at the grocery or somewhere that I can’t get away. Total strangers telling me about their operations, police coming to their houses, random bits of information that mean nothing to me. I just concluded that I’m being punished for something I did in a previous life.
I had never considered about brain injury or maybe the person being a psychopath. Of course, I can’t tell if @Snarp was making a joke or not. I have my own difficulties picking up on social cues.
I’m going to try again to remember to be more tolerant.

Snarp's avatar

@Trillian The brain injury was no joke, the psychopath is written humorously, but entirely possible. Some people who don’t have a filter are indeed psychopaths and the two can be related. Of course that’s not really the proper term, but it’s been a long term since I took psychology.

Blackberry's avatar

@Snarp Yeah that makes sense, as well as the other answers.
@life_after_2012 Don’t worry, I won’t use your method, I don’t fight lol.
Usually his reaction to me asking why talks this way is something along the lines of “I don’t care I’m just being me” and things like that.

trailsillustrated's avatar

wierd but I think people do that when they’re nervous. it used to happen to me at work, only at work- people would tell me the weirdest,most intimate stuff if I happened to be sitting there talking to them waiting to start the work. I really think it’s a nervous thing

life_after_2012's avatar

In that case i would probably tell him to leave me alone. I’ve had to be a prick to co-workers for stuff like that and its never fun because we’ll trade evil stares for about a month, but then balance is restored. I’ve had people come to me later and ask for some kind of help because i geuss deep down they don’t like what they are doing.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I would certainly keep my mouth shut around him. He obviously tells everything he knows! Sorry, but he sounds like a head case to me. :-(

Your_Majesty's avatar

There’s nothing wrong if he wants to share his personal stories. I think he told you that because he trust you,only a few honest guy will dare to do this. Beside,you can know him better from his stories. Some of my friends did this and I take this as my chance to judge their personality and background.

Blackberry's avatar

@Doctor_D That’s true also, I haven’t discussed his stories to anyone that didn’t know already, because I know that it’s still personal information whether he thinks so or not.

SeventhSense's avatar

There is the distinct possibility albeit rare that he is a true psychopath or he could be just your garden variety narcissist.

except for the raping his ex wife part

MrsDufresne's avatar

He’s nuts. Unfortunately, some people just are. Yes, I have known people that tell me their weird personal details within the first hour of meeting them. When this happens I determine whether they are lonely or loony and continue (or discontinue) the dialogue accordingly.

jmmf's avatar

oh yeah. i have a classmate who’s just like that. some people just wanna say that because they just want to project an ‘image’ which they think people would find cool. which actually isn’t.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

Maybe he’s scared deep down inside and so he tries to act scary so people won’t mess with him or maybe he ate a lot of paint chips as a kid.

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