Does anyone really believe that Fox News is a Fair and Balanced news network or is it really a "home" for Republicans?
My guess is real news is only about 40% of Fox News’ content and opinion draws about 80% of its viewership, except for breaking news or catastrophic news. It seems to me that they have a conservative point of view in their editorial policy. Why? The Acorn pimp thespian video scandal was talked about for weeks on FNC. Now that he’s been arrested for a felony, they barely mention him. Is that because it makes their POV look bad?
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32 Answers
Fox News is not a fair and balanced news source. they are owned by Rupert Murdoch, who is flamingly, unabashedly right wing.
It’s widely known that it’s the latter. Just forget all about them and move on lol.
the onion is a more reputable source for news than fox. if i wanted to parody fox news i would be lost, i honestly dont think i could come up with something insane and stupid enough to make it clear that im a parody, i would not put anything past them.
FAUX, all the news that fits our point.
fox news is bias and so is every other news network. No one ever points out how bias and how liberal a station like CNN is or MSNBC. Fox news is about the one and only conservative oriented national news station all the others are very liberal
@mass_pike4 PBS is very liberal. The mainstream media is just that, mainstream.
exactly anything that is mainstream will most likely not be “fair and balanced.” More people that side with liberals with view CNN, etc. and conservatives will have Fox as their home.
@vincentcent: You’re not saying that Fox News is not mainstream are you?
It’s a home for Neoconservatives, not any actual self-respecting right-wingers.
@mass_pike4 I am saying FOX is not mainstream. But truth be told, I do not have cable vision and I rarely watch TV.
@vincentcent: Fox is most certainly mainstream. I did not understand your statement before. In fact Fox News is one of the most viewed news networks of all the big guys
Here’s how I view it-
Slightly right- CNN
Right- Fox.
I wouldn’t call any news ‘fair and balanced’ because each channel has their demographic that they pander to. It’s more a matter of are you that demographic or not.
My conservative friends don’t get their news solely from Fox and my liberal friends don’t get their news solely from MSNBC either. Most people I respect tend to get their news from multiple sources so it all ends up being somewhat blurred in the end.
@mass_pike4, I agree, all journalists are biased to some degree.
The important question is the extent to which journalists allow their biases to color their reporting of facts. You can evaluate facts outside of biases. And you can evaluate which news organizations most fairly and accurately report facts.
Fox News is at the bottom of the list.
I imagine this is because you have to be intellectually dishonest to some extent to even be a conservative in the first place. Reality has a liberal bias.
Fox News is not a new channel… Put Hannity, O’Reilly, and Beck in a sack, shake them up, and throw the residue out on the ground, and you can grow huge tomatoes!
When did Fox News become news? I believe the proper title is, The Republican National Enquirer,
Next week Obama gives birth to Big Foot. :D
Oh, sorry, he did that last night. Thats why so many squirmed in the audience.
For conservatives I would ask if CNN or network news pisses you off or if the commentators disgust you? That’s the way FOX news makes me feel. In my opinion there is nothing Fair and balanced there. But, a have wondered if conservatives feel that way about the other networks. BTW, I consider myself an Independant…
how many times has this question been asked on here now
@MikeinLondon, Rupert Murdoch owns Fox. Doesn’t he own several papers and TV stations in the UK as well, all right-leaning if they feature any news?
He’s far right, so I imagine his outlets will represent that point of view.
It’s not a “home” for Republicans. It’s not a “home” for right-wing Republicans.
There was a documentary on public German television when the invasion of Iraq began in 2003. The topic was Fox News. Millions of German viewers were shocked.
Roger Ailes, the guy who actually runs Fox News, is more rightwing than Murdoch. He actually seems downright insane. He believes terrorists want to target Fox News and walks around with a security detail and promises to go down fighting with his guns when it happens.
Perhaps a good example of a cult leader who came to believe the bullshit he was peddling.
@vincentcent: It is still news and the fact that Hannity, On the Record, and O’reilly are the top viewed for your article you showed says something. There are no other news stations on the list. A lot of you have mentioned that Fox News is a home for right-wing conservatives…now are there that many right-wing conservatives watching these shows? Of course not. I think people watch it more than any other because although it is mainstream media, it is not the norm of liberal media and for once we get to hear different perspectives, conservative drivin or not.
@mass_pike4, it’s cute how you don’t think you’re right wing.
@Qingu Fox News is god fudgin’ awful Neoconservative bullshit, but it is really the only “news” you can watch if you don’t want to be fed Liberal propaganda. Your options are basically biased all around, and never towards any political views worth having.
@Qingu: It’s cute how you assume I am right wing.
Liberal propaganda… such as?
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