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KoolKats's avatar

I need to make an evil looking drill. Any ideas?

Asked by KoolKats (10points) January 28th, 2010

For my school’s musical we’re doing Little shop of Horrors. And I need to make an Evil looking drill to be used by an Evil dentist. Any ideas of what I can do or how to do it?

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15 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

An antique hand auger would suit nicely.

Here’s another nasty one.

Or how about a corkscrew for removing corks?

EdMayhew's avatar

Hey, I had to do a similar project when I was prop making for a feature film a few years back. My best advice would be to get the guts from one of those toy friction cars and wire it up to a motor so it makes a noise. It can look however you like, but it’ll be that drilling sound that’lll really have an impact with the audience. Get in touch if you’re not sure what I mean, I’ll drop you a step by step.


Ruallreb8ters's avatar

find someone in construction that has a hole hog.. its heavy and looks menicing

poisonedantidote's avatar

personally, i think dirty, maybe some black oily substance, exposed motor parts maybe, 20% broken looking. maybe some dry blood on it.

JJOUTLAW96's avatar


ChocolateReigns's avatar

@JJOUTLAW96 Don’t use all caps. It’s like yelling in cyberspace. :(

gailcalled's avatar

@JJOUTLAW96: ^^Less amusing each time you do it.

JJOUTLAW96's avatar

ok i get it duh duh dur

Bugabear's avatar

Hey welcome to Fluther KoolKats. Havent I seen you somewhere? MW2 for example?

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Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

Decorate it with dead babies. I think that would make it look evil.

KoolKats's avatar

Great answers ppl. Any idea how I could make this?

gailcalled's avatar

@KoolKats: The simplest solution is an old-fashioned corkscrew with a wooden handle (used to remove corks from wine bottles). Found at any hardware store.

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