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john65pennington's avatar

You hit a deer on the interstate. who is at-fault? you or the deer?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) January 28th, 2010

Yeah, i know, a deer cannot testify in court. but, who is at-fault? you or the deer?

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33 Answers

kheredia's avatar

It doesn’t matter… the deer is not going to pay for your damages.. sorry.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

It depends on the particular circumstances. They are not always the same for every collision with a deer.

susanc's avatar

Where would this question come up, in any practical sense? Serious.

john65pennington's avatar

Blame this question on my wife. we just came in off of I-65 North and she saw a dead deer on the side of the interstate. she dared me to ask this question on Fluther, so here it is.

gasman's avatar

A deer cannot be ‘at fault’. To be at fault is a human attribute only. The deer played a causal or contingent role in the mishap.

If you hit a tree because your brakes fail, are your brakes ‘at fault’ ? What does that mean?

SheWasAll_'s avatar

A deer ran into my dad’s car yes, ran into it, only after jumping over the two other cars in the other lanes on the highway when he was driving back from work about a month ago. Insurance paid for repairs and they just had to pay the $250 deductible. But I know of other incidents where someone swerved to miss a deer and ran off the road and it became a problem of “failure to maintain vehicle.”

Sarcasm's avatar

You ran into the deer. Not vice-versa.

The deer does not understand the danger of the interstate, that’s a human creation that’s not taught in deer school.
On the other hand, you are perfectly aware of what a deer is, what it does, and that you should avoid being hit by it.

shego's avatar

Unfortunately there aren’t two bright ass lights on the back of deer. So I’m sorry to say…..

poisonedantidote's avatar

its not beyond imagination that it can be the fault of the driver, you are responsible for the vehicle and what it does. but in the majority of cases im sure its the deers fault.

bigboss's avatar

we are at fault…its like an elephant RUNNING STRAIGHT THROUGH YOUR HOUSE, killing you or your parents, and then blaming you for being in the way. IN YOUR OWN HOME.

avengerscion's avatar

Damages involving an animal always fall under comp coverage (act of nature/non-collision) unless of course you hit something other than the animal. I hit a deer in a neighborhood once. The deer ran out in front of me, and even though I was only doing 20mph, I still hit it. Not my fault, but sad for the deer.

bigboss's avatar

anyone ever seen bambi?...........bastards

AstroChuck's avatar

The bartender.

ella's avatar

actually, according to most insurance carriers (i’m a claim rep for the largest auto insurer in the US), hitting (or being hit by) a deer (or any other animal) whether dead or alive, is a comprehensive claim – not categorized as an “at-fault accident” ... at my company, these claims are also not eligible for surcharge, meaning premiums won’t increase just because you filed this type of claim. only collision losses that exceed a certain dollar amount are eligible for policy surcharge.

flintonandrew's avatar

It depends on what you think about the deer and what it means to you. It can be a moral or a financial dilemma as most of the answers show. I would suggest it as a matter of circumstance, unless you like hitting deer with a car or in the world of deer, suicide by car has a value.

Zen_Again's avatar

Exchange information and let the insurance companies fight it out.

pearls's avatar

Since the deer probably does carry any type of insurance, you will have to pay for your damages regardless of whether or not you or the deer is at fault.

Supacase's avatar

I saw some deer in a neighbor’s yard one night after dark, so I brought my car to a complete stop. The last deer to leave panicked, ran into the back of my car and knocked itself unconscious. Even though I was in its “home,” I was a stationary object. Wouldn’t saying it was my fault be like blaming the table when I stub my toe?

onesecondregrets's avatar

You. He/she was technically a pedestrian if you think about it, minus the whole being a human thing.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

It’s probably the deer’s. Everybody knows that all deer’s are alcoholics. lol

bigboss's avatar

@Self_Consuming_Cannibal nobody told the damn deer to go out so late at night, they were prolly selling drugs or trying to go party somewhere.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

Yes or they were texting while crossing the road. lol

bigboss's avatar

pffft fawns these days.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

LMFAO! Or it could’ve been going out for a late night booty call!

bigboss's avatar

lookin for a good BUCK

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

No, I’m a straight male, so I prefer does.

bigboss's avatar

i meant it as a pun…buck = fuck get it? lol

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

I got it, I just thought you saw my long hair, didn’t notice the facial hair, thought I was a chick and then proceded to hit on me. It’s happened before.

bigboss's avatar

@Self_Consuming_Cannibal you mean….thats not a picture of jesus? * scratches head *

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

Well funny you should ask, my mother is a virgin, but I think that makes me the anti-christ!
>:- O Mwhahaha!!! * A deranged cackle erupts from SCC’s blackened soul*

bigboss's avatar

* throws crosses at you * damn it its not working…wheres a deer to throw when you need one.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

LMFAO! Why the deers are hanging from crosses! Look over there. SCC motions towards the horizon and shows bigboss the horrific hobby he (SCC) picked up over the boring winter months, crucifying deer.

bigboss's avatar

* mouth drops* ........... what…..the….ffffffffffffffffffuuuuu- * deer runs out and rams him (boss) *

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