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john65pennington's avatar

Should "doughnut tires" be made illegal on the road?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) January 28th, 2010

One Saturday afternoon, i was running lasar radar on a four lane highway. i noticed an older model Buick LeSabre big car come rolling down the road with not one, not two, but four doughnut tires on this big, heavy automobile. it was a site to see. the auto was traveling way below the posted speed limit, so curiosity got the best of me and i pulled the car over. the driver had a drivers license from Mexico and i asked him if he thought his car was safe to drive on the open road. all he said was “si”. this was the only word he said throughout our one-way conversation. i looked in my traffic lawbook for a violation, but could not find one, involving doughnut tires. Question: was having four doughnut tires on a heavy vehicle, really safe for the road? i sent him on his way and all he said was “si”.

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13 Answers

poisonedantidote's avatar

what exactly is a doughnut tire? i looked on google images but all it brings up is pictures of thin spare tires and some monster truck with wheels like chocolate doughnuts.

i would say its highly unusual to have more than 1 or 2 spare tires on the car, ok in my opinion if he was on his way to buy new tires.

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

There should be a law against this. They are small and not rated for high speeds, sudden stops, or inclement weather.

Some exceptions may apply.

john65pennington's avatar

Doughnut tires are the spare tires they use to put in the trunk of new automobiles. it was much smaller than a regular tire and meant only to be used in case of a flat tire. top speed on a doughnut tire is 45 mph. he had four of these on his vehicle and i am sure his vehicle did not steer on drive in a safe manner.

bigboss's avatar

their should be something against this.. as they are SPARE tires they are not made to have ALL FOUR which is clearly not a spare tire incident. unless he ran through spikes and popped all four tires simultainiously. he is putting himself and others at danger. its fine if he was actually on his way to replacing the tires.

Ruallreb8ters's avatar

I can’t believe he actually had registration and insurance… you should be able to give him a fix-it ticket at least

bigboss's avatar

you should have asked him “do you want a ticket” and see if he said “si”

john65pennington's avatar

Big boss….........these were his new tires!! i am amazed at what some people do to their automobiles and they wonder why their car breaks down. all he said was “si”. i know he knew some English, but i did push the issue, since there was no traffic violation involved. thanks for your answer. john

FlutherMe's avatar

Damn just let the guy be. Atleast he wasen’t being an asshole. Doughnut tires CAN be safe if you drive slow in the right lane and leave plenty of room between you and the guy in front of you. If he was driving unsafe with them he deserves to be pulled over.

Stop messing with people for no reason. Let him be. He may be broke and can’t afford a new set of tires yet. That is what gives cops a bad name (no offence).

bigboss's avatar

hey hey hey mr pennington was just curious, he doesnt sound like a bad cop.

FlutherMe's avatar

I know thats why I said no offence. I respect the fact that he didn’t give him a ticket. The “I tried to find a violation” part is what got to me. I have just had too many interactions with “illegitimate” cops.

If he was really endangering lives (driving even somewhat fast with 4 doughnuts!!) then I’m all for it. If he was driving slow and keeping distance, there is no reason to look for a violation, just for the fact that you legally can. Unless of course it’s quota time ;).

bigboss's avatar

OH YEA! lol just wanted to find something wrong.

bigboss's avatar

as long as he was on the right lane. all should be good.

genmar's avatar

doghnut tire is for emergency purposes only it’s impossible to used this on four wheel cars…

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