What cartoon or video game did you grow up on?
Asked by
bigboss (
January 28th, 2010
and when you see or play it now what memories does it bring up? how does it make you feel?
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37 Answers
Rocky and Bullwinkle humorously subversive even for kids.
dragon ball z and mario brothers on the nes.
when i watch dbz now i think its still cool, great animation for its time, brings back memories of my mother making me supper, watching that and then having a bath as was the routine. and also makes me ponder my morality a little too.
when i play mario brothers all i can think is damn it sucked. (graphics) and brings back memories of about 10 to 20 of us kids in my room playing it in turns.
the smurfs, the super mario brothers super show, Dungeons and Dragons, and the Legend of Zelda, the Legend of Link…I miss the good old days…at least I can sleep when I want to.
Mario when I was a little little kid. My teenage years were spent with SOCOM 1 and 2
OMG THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS I FORGOT ABOUT THAT!! man i miss that show. carlos and his retarded jokes “caaaaaaaaaaaarrrloooooooooooos”
remember lizzy the iguana? hehehe..i wish i had a teacher like mis frizzle too.
Sonic the Hedgehog, Gaunlet Legends on sega, best memories. And as for cartoon Spiderman and Reboot. Oh, and of course Legend of Zelda played a big part later on when I finally got a N64.
Scooby-Doo, the Bugs Bunny Road-Runner Show, Fat Albert, The Superfriends, Hong Kong Phooey, Smurfs and Schoolhouse Rock. I remember knowing someone who had Pong, but that was an adult. Video games were very expensive and rare when I was very young. Then the Atari 2600 came out and everyone seemed to have had Space Invaders (“He’s hooked, he’s hooked, his brain is cooked!”), Centipede, Asteroids, Donkey Kong, Galaga, Breakout, Frogger and Pac-Man at their houses.
Pac Man waka waka
It doesn’t raises my blood pressure as much as when I was baked out of my mind as a youngster in the early 1980’s but it’s a classic that will never get old.
I remember the first video game Space Invaders when it came out. That was about the time of the first Star Wars. Both were revolutionary.
@Neifilly Gauntlet was the shit
anyone remember cubix or metabots?
I’d just like to say that it makes me feel ever so lonely to follow this thread since in my
century we never heard of any of those things, we had to make do with corncobs and pebbles.
@susanc – Well, I hope y’all had a pie-anah in the parlour for the sing-alongs after supper!
Earthworm Jim, EEK the Cat, Ahhhhhh Real Monsters, Doug, Fraggle Rock
Super Mario Brothers, Paper boy, Pac man
@aprilsimnel Um, no, we didn’t have a pie anna, darn, what a nice idea – but we did wonders with the pebbles.
And I just got a violin. I can play a scale now after only 8 lessons. Squeek squeek. I love it all to heck. Better late than never.
Bagpuss, Playschool, Button Moon, Roderunner, Emu
Garfield and Friends, Muppet Babies, Tom and Jerry, Pee Wee’s Playhouse, Bugs Bunny. I still like to watch Tom and Jerry and Pee Wee every chance I get. Those never get old to me.
pokemon and rugrats. oh yeah, xmen!
I used to play Streetfighter and Pacman in the video arcade. I usually spent most of my pocket money on it.
If I could get my hands on a Streetfighter machine, I’d probably play it till the sun comes up, hehe. I saw the movies they made of Streetfighter, but it just isn’t the same as the game.
There wasn’t computers when I grew up, so we only had the videogame machines to play on. Oh, not to forget about the little handheld Donkey Kong game. That was also a favourite, but I didn’t get much chance to play with it.
How about Scramble, Centipede and Missile Command? I used to love those at the arcade. Qbert was a trip too.
@Shield_of_Achilles I loved that game. Can’t remember the characters that well, but the action was pretty gruesome for back then, lol. Those guys and girls could do amazing things with the push of a few buttons.
@jmmf OMG POKEMON!! yeeeeeeess i still have the old versions, and i recently downloaded a gameboy emulator and the first game i downloaded on it was POKEMON YELLOW…and that retarded pokemon trading card game which i just happen to love.
Ok apparently 26 is the ceiling on this thread.
@SeventhSense I’m sorry I don’t know the arcade games you talk about. I also don’t know the games the others are talking about. There are different generations of games,I guess that’s what the 26 is aiming at,mentioned here. I think you base the ceiling on this thread very loosely on the fact that people didn’t respond to the games you know.
Video game: Mike Tyson’s Punch Out
Cartoon: Loony Tunes
The look on my face while I experienced either of these: Priceless
@bigboss pokemon blue on gameboy advance! today’s pokemon games are like, i can’t even begin to describe em.
@Confuscious I’ve played every game, know most of the characters, even the ones that only appeared in one game, seen every movie, read every comic.
Im a bit of an SF nerd
@jmmf i know. the last i played was diamond…and sure its entertaining..but its just not the same as the original. i thnk i had blue also…the blastoise art one it was just awesome.
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