Social Question

Why can't they see the truth about this culture/religion?
I’ve been living with these kind of people since I was a kid(unfortunately this included my parent and family),they always try to brainwash me to follow their religion/culture,you know some culture/religion likes Dinamism and Animism,likes “earth is you mother and sky is your father(living beings),cow is a HUMAN,and many more”(I hate to say this,but I became stupid irrational follower at that time). Thank God,after I grew up I begin to realize that this religion/culture is nothing more than useless irrational behavior. I learn the real fact of this world,I’m well educated and open-minded to new facts. The problem is when I told them that what they’ve been doing was just nothing but irrational and unrealistic they got angry and still stick to their mind,even after I explain the fact about this culture/religion(I’ve branded as betrayal for them). I don’t know why they can’t even think about it,to see the truth of this world,and begin to realize what their ‘primitive’ ancestor told them is nothing but just imagination.
I wonder is that because they’ve already known about this thing but just can’t accept/too scare to see the truth?,too fanatic?,or maybe they’re just stubborn?. Nowadays I’ll underestimate people who keep telling unrealistic thing around me,especially if they insist me to follow what they’re doing.
People in this culture/religion love to spread heavy stinky cloud in their houses,it’s so painful,irritates my eyes,and I can’t even breathe if they do that(the only safe zone with fresh air is my own bedroom with locked door and window). I’ll let you to figure it out what the culture/religion I’m talking about. I do not against this culture/religion but I can’t accept if they try to manipulate other healthy-minded people,they never care if they’ve disturbed other people’s comforts if it’s for saint business,and I’m curious why they can’t see the real thing?(maybe they’ve been brainwashed when they’re still young and didn’t get a chance to get out,or something else). Sorry for my language. I really appreciate you answer.