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Blackberry's avatar

Why can't more rich and wealthy people be like Bill and Melinda Gates?

Asked by Blackberry (34323points) January 29th, 2010

I love seeing things like this because it makes me feel optimistic. This guy has literally everything and he’s just dumping a bunch of it on something positive. I actually used to fantasize as a kid of being a wealthy philanthropist, travelling the world and helping everyone, just using my seemingly unlimited supply of money for nothing but struggling people, I know it’s kind of cheesy, but there are people actually doing things along these lines, and some that don’t even have the money.

How do you feel about Bill and Melinda’s contribution?

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14 Answers

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

Bill Gates wasn’t born to money. He earned it. I think that makes an enormous difference. He is the latter-day Andrew Carnegie, who also rose from humble beginnings and spent his later years giving most of his money away to people who could benefit from it.

Blackberry's avatar

@IchtheosaurusRex I agree, that makes it even better, it makes people more humble when they come from nothing to being very wealthy.

dpworkin's avatar

You mean have Aspberger’s?

JLeslie's avatar

I think probably a lot of rich people give a lot of money (there have been statistics on how the rich don’t give as much percentage of their wealth as the poor, but the rich still give the most dollars). I also disgree that the new rich are more likely to give. Usually the new rich are the flashiest, need to flaunt there money, compared to the old rich, I would not say they are more humble, I think it really depends on the individual. Anyway, Bill Gates is the richest man in the world I think? Or, at least he is way at the top, so he has a lot of “extra money” and he has chosen some very specific causes and has been very public about it. I am pretty sure he also has a philosophy of not leaving his children billions (I think it will still be millions though).

life_after_2012's avatar

Wow!! Im glad you posted this qeustion. It felt good just reading that article. I think im going to tweet this till it becomes a trendy topic. This is great news and people need to hear it.

SarasWhimsy's avatar

There are a lot of these people that we don’t hear about. Not every rich person calls the media to let everyone know they’re donating money.

susanc's avatar

Am I making it up, or did the B&MG Foundation get really going AFTER THE WEDDING?
I think we should give Melinda some extra credit.

CaptainHarley's avatar

There use to be a concept called “nobless oblige.” During the age of the robber barons in the US, this concept was largely forgotten, with a few notable exceptions like Andrew Carnegie. It seems Bill and Melinda Gates have rediscovered nobless oblige. : )

UScitizen's avatar

Because there are no more rich and wealthy people be like Bill and Melinda Gates.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Warren Buffet gave most of his money to the Gates foundation in 2006. A lot of people with money donate large sums without attracting attention.

People are sometimes deluded that charitable organizations stay afloat because of grants, government funding, or lots of small donors. Usually there are a few anonymous donors in the background who keep the doors open and the lights on.

Blackberry's avatar

@PandoraBoxx That’s really cool!

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