Did your dad ever make a special gift, just for you?
When i was nine years old, i had the mumps in both sides of my neck. for about a month, my dad had been working secretly on some project out in the garage. not even my mother had a clue. in
1951, we had a major blizzard in my city. the ice came first and the
snow came second. a lot of snow. i wanted to go out in the snow
something fierce, but could not for running a fever. i was in the
dumps with the mumps. my dad finally uncovered his secret garage project and his
timing was perfect. a handbuilt sled just for me. i treasured the sled
forever. what about you? did your mom or dad ever make
something just for you and nobody else?
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16 Answers
I remember the first time I caught a bullhead down at the pond by my house growing up. I fell for fishing. Dad would take me out to the river, and I discovered that fishermen often go fishing for peace, not so much for fish, although they won’t complain if they get both. Well, for some time, I kept my growing stash of tackle in a plastic shopping bag. Then, one day, Dad got me a tackle box and used the gold trimmed letters used for mailboxes to put my name on it, and stocked it with some basic essentials before giving it to me. I’ll be 22 in two days, but I still have it. Every time I see it, I think of him.
My father made several things for me. Shelves, benches, etc. He was quite a gifted man. I still have them, but don’t display them. Kept safely away.
Dan and pearls…..these are the memories of your dad that you will never forget. this is so good. bothe of you, like i, must have been something really special to our dads. i am thankful that i have these good memories. so many men have been left out of some of the best times of their lives, because they had no dad around. i am thankful and know you two are thankful, also.
My dad made us a roller-coaster in the backyard. We lived on 40 acres and had a huge hill in the backyard. It started at the top and went down very fast into some turns. It is amazing that we are still alive.
He was a mechanical engineer and owned a welding and machine shop. The thing was still a death trap.
@john65pennington I have so many more good memories I could share. He and I had a special bond between us. I can say that I am proud that I was his daughter and he was my dad.
john powell, thanks for your answer. sometimes we just get caught up in the world and forget what life is really all about. i am glad your dad made the roller coaster just for you. a father has a special love for his daughter, but there is just something super special about having a son. thanks.
He adopted me, raised me, put me in a good school,
He Departed when i was 13 and left his estate to me.
All in all, to me that was a pretty cool gift…
and then….?
the evil stepmom took it all away…lol.
@johnpowell Now that is something special to building a roller coaster. He took the time to design and building something he thought his children would enjoy. Just reading these answers brings up so many positive things our parents did for us growing up as children. Seems that in today’s times, parents are too busy to do the things our parents did for us as children.
I’ve mentioned it here before, my father was a wonderful man who provided love, support and most importantly a strong value system to his many children. But there was only one gift that he ever personally chose just for me. The only birthday party I ever had was for my 44th birthday. My father gave me a carousol horse music box. It is probably my most prized possession.
Well when I was a little girl my dad built me a dollhouse from scratch. I was really into that when I was younger and so I asked him to make me one. Him being the nice guy that he is, decided to do it for me.
He worked on it for several weeks and he really made it nice. He even let me choose the colors and wallpaper for the house. Although I have to admit my colors were anything but spectacular; hot pink, dark blue, and dark purple really don’t go well together. However to this day I still cherish that dollhouse because my dad was willing to put the time and effort into making something nice for his little girl.
That in itself is very special to me. Even though I don’t like the dollhouse as much as I did when I was younger, I still appreciate his craftmanship and dedication to me. That is something you cannot put a price on. Love you daddy. :)
I have been very lucky in this area.
My first stepdad made me a very nice dollhouse. I was about three and have memories of him painting the grass and gluing on shingles one at a time.
My current stepdad (of 31 years) built a playhouse in the backyard. This wasn’t just any playhouse – the HOA wouldn’t let him put on a door or put glass in the windows because they were just certain it was a storage building. It was as solid as any house. My stepsister helped keep the secret, since I could obviously see it going up, by telling me he was building it to lock up all of my toys. He also made me the prettiest heart-shaped jewelry box. I treasure it. He also made me a cradle, but I guess that was really for my daughter.
Yes. When I was seven or eight he made me a trapeze swing that hung from a branch of our huge backyard maple tree. I doted on it. He also carved me a kid-safe wooden dagger as a prop when I was Peter Pan for Hallowe’en. I still have it and remember the feeling of Power it gave me to carry a weapon, even if it was just a rough form with rounded edges fashioned in quarter-inch plywood
Years later he bought an old but sturdy dresser at a yard sale and refinished it for me. I am still using it.
Mn. A slap on the face. Reserved only for me.
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