Social Question

Do you think Karate Kid Part 2 and 3 should've been made in reverse order?
Think about it. In Part 2 Daniel fights and wins against Chosen. Chosen is from a place where Karate isn’t just a “sport” it’s a way of life. There was actually a scene where Chosen is teaching American military police hand-to-hand combat.
But in Part 3 Daniel basically gets his ass handed to him by Mike Barnes. Daniel only wins the tournament because of a lucky shot and because Mike Barnes was toying with him. If it would’ve been a real fight he could’ve destroyed Daniel.
If you’ve seen the Karate Kid series, do you really think Mike
Barnes would stand a chance against Chosen? Once again, where Chosen comes from karate is often used in fights to the death, but here in America, it’s often used to get a trophy. So how is it Daniel can win a fight against Chosen, but can’t hardly touch Mike Barnes?
Sorry I know I’m rambling.