While slavery no longer exist today, racism still has survived to modern times, even affecting our most democratic and sophisticated contemporary society.
Slavery can’t be revived by no means; it has been totally abolished, repealed. Racism, a social dilemma, has constituted a kind of comfortable impracticality idealism today, and a intransigent justification by the reactionary, apart from scientific exploited to feed up and support the idea of a high, superior race.
Racial discrimination has also been used by those who justify this problema when at refusing to accept blacks as part of our the social order, as well as it has been a way of explaining segregation of emancipated slaves. Whites are forced to integrate and interact with blacks, thus having no more choice than acknowledge and accept blacks within our civilization, granting them rights as equals today.
Slave traders –traffickers- used to refer to blacks as “pieces” in the past, and gave them the status of animals.
This judgment was also applied to black women, not exactly treated with kindness or compassion either 5 or 10 percent of black population while whites used to fornicate with black women slaves “Ad Líbitum.” Progenity resulting from such forced deviant sex with women, didn’t worry any person, for these children were treated as animals by plantation owners too.
Black slaves weren’t rejected or hated so much by their white masters in any way, provided nobody would show hatred if this is about your esteemed work beasts, even if they they could talk, learn difficult tasks or jobs, or even perform as foreman. Blacks also were able to sew, play musical instruments, to the extent of reciting and declaim poems, save for black slaves were restrained and moderated, under control, away from whites, by a formidable social barrel whereas they were regarded slaves.
It was normal in an evening party to be cheered, made pleasant by a black talented, gifted musician, except that only being approved, praised and applaused as a picturesque creature. There are tales about white’s wives who wouldn’t consider an infidelity –or give it the status of infidelity- at all, if their husbands would have a sexual occurrence, or “love affair,” and such accidents with black women slaves went unpunished, nor sanctioned either. White’s sons also would imitate their father’s sexual patern, lay down black slave women, and judgment about this wrongdoing, misconduct by the white was rather considered a filthy act hygiene than that of moral implications by the persons caught in the crime. Consequently, sons born out of these “chances” were considered less than bastards by whites.
Some curious stuff here is the fact that all slaves were brought in to America from different regions in Africa. Therefore it’s obvious slaves speaking different languages, so comunication among themselves had been too complex or hampered.
The only way out of this comunication problem would be their learning the despot and tyran’s language and ended up speaking Spanish, Castilian, Portuguese, or English if they wished to find a quick option to exchange a few words.
You just figure out, imagine yoursel looking out of a balcony only to listen to the sounds of Shakespeare / Cervantes language in this mess!!
Whites didn’t show so much hatred by exploiting black, keeping them in warehouses and punishment if they disobeyed, than having to stand, support and assume blacks as equal today. It has been too difficult for whites allowing blacks into their schools classrooms to rob elbows with blacks, be friendly with them at neightboorhoods, bussiness, spectacles and hinder white women from loving a black guy.
This amend hadn’t yet been assimilated by white elite, forced to turn to racial isolation in the way we know it today. Latin and Caribean Creoles have received, beared a rejection by thewhites, greatly, suffering quietly by white’s attitude, of a different culture, given that whites have always wished to take revenge on blacks.
Not withstanding these circumstances above described, plus some others not mentioned in this work, racism always linked to black people, has also been a fenomenon linked to other circumstances not necesssarily skin color like for instance: anti semitic movement. Hitler, seeking to exterminate Jewish race, had never never referred to a particular race or skin color, rather an anti semitic movemen aimed at fighting a culture and faith instead.
Definitely racism is abject in many ways, a contemptible practice we shoud eliminate.
“It doesn’t matter if it’s black or white.”
Michael Jackson