Where is the strangest, most unusual place you've met somebody you've gotten to know really well?
Me – I met my best friend at the 4th of July fireworks that were near my house. That was in 2004, when I was almost 8 and she was almost 9. We’re still best friends to this day. I have to admit, looking back on it now, I must have been really weird, sitting in her lawn chair, and asking for her phone number. It was really quite strange that we got together the next Saturday at her house. But we’re best friends still. How about you?
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14 Answers
I met a good friend in driver’s ed. We actually sat next to each other for a couple days before even speaking to each other. Eventually, our lives both got super busy and we failed to keep up with each other. I still think about calling her sometimes, but I’m afraid it will be to awkward.
i know quite a few hobbits i met online quite well.
Several of my closest friends, I met through an on-campus vax conference system. I don’t think those even exist anymore, but it would be comparable to usenet newsgroups. Wait a sec…. do those still exist? Damn, I’ve been online a long time. So, I guess you could compare it to a campus web forum, but one that allows only the students, staff and faculty of that campus to post. Since we all lived locally, it was easy to actually meet. Many friendships, romances and even a few marriages came out of it.
I also became pretty good friends with someone I met through Craigslist personals, although, we’ve never dated. We just started emailing, then phoning and ended up friends.
@holden I tried that once. Only got a buncha people trying to get me to sign up for crap.
I guess online isn’t very strange any more. But… Askville.
A nude beach. I was going to college at the time in San Luis Obispo, CA, and my friends and I would frequent a local nude beach. There was a local homeless veteran that spent most of his time at this beach, and we got to know him quite well. keep your minds out of the gutter! ;)
He was a really kind, intelligent person that was much fun to be around. We always hung out with him when we visited.
at krogers in the deli. and i married her. now 5 kids later, we are still together and happy!
I met my best guy friend in a metro train in France. We rode the same train to class every day for 2 and a half months. I finally said “hi”, and we were walking to the university when we noticed that the students were on strike. I asked if he wanted to get coffee, and 8 hours later, I had found one of the best friends I’ve ever had. That was seven years ago now, and we still talk a fair amount.
An AOL chat room was pretty weird in 1997. I am still in daily contact with those 5 women and we each count the others among our closest friends.
The weirdest situation was crashing a date. I went to Barnes & Noble one night when a guy from HS saw me and waved me over to chat. It was awkward for me because I knew he wanted me to leave after a few minutes, she kept pulling me back with conversation. (I don’t think she was enjoying the date.) She and I became good friends.
at a bat mitzvah… he was working for the dj, i was like 12 and this was about 10 years ago, we are still pretty great friends. another, on a plane to utah and then reunited in a class in college – at that time in my life, i don’t think i ever learned so much about a person.
Ms Monk and I met a couple at a bar in O’Hare airport. We overheard them talking and it seemed they were going to the same place we were (Spain) so we chatted at the bar, hung out in Spain the whole time and have been friends with them now going on 27 years.
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