If heaven is going to be on earth eventually how can everyone fit?
Asked by
WhyOhWhy (
January 31st, 2010
it seems like there is a finite amount of space on the earth and I’m wondering how all people from all time who are christians will fit into this heaven.
And animals too, if every animal goes to heaven the world is gonna fill up fast.
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30 Answers
Animals don’t go to heaven, they have no souls.
There are more people alive today than have ever died, it’s not really going to be that crowded.
Ahh Belinda Carlisle, welcome to fluther my dear.
Well, really don’t have a clue how to answer you question, but in regard to animals…Think my Spunky is in Heaven. There is a lot of answers in the Bible.
Also, God instructed Noah to collect a male and female of each kind…that proves too many that God loved animals.
Both mankind and animals are formed from the ground (Genesis 2:7, 19). This reveals that the physical bodies of both are similar, but it does not tell us about their immortality.
God’s covenant with Noah included both people and animals (Genesis 9:9–11). However, that covenant was not one of eternal life, but that He would not again destroy the earth with a flood.
The fourth commandment as recorded in Deuteronomy 5:12–15 includes a Sabbath rest for animals as well as people. Again, it reveals some equality between people and animals, but makes no statement regarding animals going to heaven.
God takes care of both men and animals (see Matthew 6:26 and Psalm 104—verses 14 and 27–30 in particular). Although death is mentioned in Psalm 104:29, we learn nothing regarding an afterlife.
At some future time, Christ (a Rod from the stem of Jesse) will bring about a time of peace where all animals and man will be in harmony (Isaiah 11:1–9). Still, the description is not necessarily of heaven, and these animals are not necessarily reborn animals.
The Christian Heaven will join with all the other heavens from other religions and become a figment of your own imagination.
Souls don’t take up space.
I believe in heaven and I feel as though the “heaven” place is another plane of existence that we cannot imagine or detect. So there will be no space limitation, or concepts as linear as that. I believe that heaven will be a state where space, thought, time all work harmoniously and a place of holy joy. I understand that people don’t believe it but you honestly can’t say that you know or don’t know if it exists. When you die unfortunately you can’t come back and say “Here .. see! i was right” So its all faith based. If you believe in something, thats all that really matched.
Hardly anyone gets to go to heaven. From Fluther, there will be only two: @janbb and me.The rest of you are shit out of luck.
There is no heaven. There will never be a heaven. It’s all in your imagination.
@Oxymoron Well thats very small minded of you =p What do you believe in when you die? Even if everything I believe is bull, I need to have something greater then this. There HAS to be something more then this violent, greedy, self indulgent little planet. I cannot believe that working like a dog just to give 30% of your check to the department of the treasury is the best this universe has to offer.
@Tenpinmaster – Not really. I’m just being honest. Don’t you think there would be some kind of proof of this heaven by now? With all of the space discovery and advances in science?
@Oxymoron Well we appreciate your honesty! People seem to only believe what they can see, taste, smell etc. Do you believe there are things that happen which are beyond our ability to comprehend? Do you think there are things that exists that are beyond our limited perception? If you didn’t know about air would you believe it was there even though you can’t see, taste, smell it?
@Tenpinmaster – I appreciate your view as well. I just feel like there would be some sort of proof o this already. Since there is proof of everything else I believe in. If there was no proof of air, then no, I wouldn’t believe in it. Ha ha.
How many angels (or souls) can dance on the head of a pin?
Anyone got a ticket to heaven, you’re fucking welcome to it. You got your head in the clouds anyway.
@Oxymoron lol! ok :) well there is air * blows it on you * lol!! I guess I tend to think about the world we live in and realize that there has to be something better then this. That tends to push my spiritual thinking up a couple notches.
Your body is made up of energy just like all other living and non living mass on this planet. When the 2,000 degree furnace cremates your body or the cold damp earth decomposes your body upon your death, your energy is re-assimilated back into the the universe. That is the heaven you get to look forward to and at last look the universes is pretty damn big…plenty of room for everybody and their pets.
@Tenpinmaster – Yeah I know, I just like to believe in things that I can prove. It’s good to be spiritual though, I get that. I sort of lean in favor of Karma.
@Tenpinmaster – The only religion I’ve really looked into it Buddhism. I just think it makes the most sense to me. I wouldn’t believe in some of the stuff, but most of it is just being a good person and energy.
@Oxymoron Agreed again! I think if anything else you should be on this world to be the best person that you can be and do as much good as you can before your end date comes. I am christian myself and I believe in the things that I have said in my responses but even if i didn’t, I do believe that being a good person and having positive energy will get you whatever reward you will get at the end, or have a good legacy from the life you have lived.
@Tenpinmaster – Exactly. Being a good person is just a good idea no matter what religion you are. I think that things really do come back to you when you do bad things and when you do good thing, good thing will happen. I hope I’m right about it, because then there should be lots of good coming my way. Ha ha.
So @WhyOhWhy I guess I was re-thinking the question, who said that heaven is going to be on earth? Is that something you read about?
@Tenpinmaster its a fairly common christian belief that after the apocalypse the earth will be re-formed into a sort of heaven on earth.
@WhyOhWhy Oh i see! I suppose our bodies and life force will have been transformed to the new conditions if you are to take that literally. I don’t think our planet could sustain such a paradise so I stand by my belief that we will all leave this linear plane onto something far greater then we could possibly imagine.
Revelation 21:1 – Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.
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