Does anyone watch Manswers?
Are the things they say on there true??
Ex: “Chickens have a similar taste in women to most men.”
“Women are more turned-on by the scent of other women than any other scent.”
“Larger eyes mean higher levels of estrogen in women.”
The show is insane! But am I the only female viewer?? Haha :)
What is the craziest answer you’ve seen on there? Your favorite? Why?
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27 Answers
It’s a stupid show. All the “answers” are oversimlified or flat-out not true. I did notice they never cite a single source. This disembodied voice-over just says random shit as if it’s God or an expert on every topic imaginable.
I like it. It doesn’t really matter if it’s true or not to me, I just like tits.
1000 ways to die is better imo
Oh and speaking of tits, you need Ds (or double Ds I don’t remember) to screw a lightbulb
The more you know
@Chongalicious – I used to watch that show all the time. It would make me laugh so much. I have no idea if those are true. If they are, that’s weird stuff.
@Mike_Hunt I love that show too!! And I know for a fact that show is about actual ways people have died in the past, gross >_<!
Haha but @La_chica_gomela I think it’s just to make you laugh.
I want to know if anyone here has actually researched this stuff and found it to be true!
Well I’m attracted to a big eyed girl and
Women do taste like chicken…musky chicken
I never researched much of the information.
I just think it’s funny and it definitely taps into the male in me.
@SeventhSense nicee, lol did you know that it takes (if I remember correctly) a GG cup for a woman to be able to crush a beer can under the weight of her boobs alone? The woman’s boobs who they showed weighed 35 POUNDS. wooaahhh
So…is it really true you can fart your balls off?
That’s a heavy load on her back. Her bra straps should go over her shoulders and connect to her ankles…but can she crush a walnut with her that’s what I’m talking about :)~
Reminds me of superbad
Evan: I heard she got breast reduction surgery.
Seth: What? That’s like slapping God across the face for giving you a beautiful gift
Evan: She had back problems, man.
How can you not love this writing?
Fogell: Yo guys! Sup?
Seth: Fogell, where have you been, man? You almost gave me a goddamn heart attack. Let me see it. Did you pussy out or what?
Fogell: No noooo, man. I got it; it is flawless. Check it!
Evan: [examining the fake ID] Hawaii. All right, that’s good. That’s hard to trace, I guess. Wait… you changed your name to… McLovin?
Fogell: Yeah.
Evan: McLovin? What kind of a stupid name is that, Fogell? What, are you trying to be an Irish R&B singer?
Fogell: Naw, they let you pick any name you want when you get down there.
Seth: And you landed on McLovin…
Fogell: Yeah. It was between that or Muhammed.
Seth: Why the FUCK would it be between THAT or Muhammed? Why don’t you just pick a common name like a normal person?
Fogell: Muhammed is the most commonly used name on Earth. Read a fucking book for once.
Evan: Fogell, have you actually ever met anyone named Muhammed?
Fogell: Have YOU actually ever met anyone named McLovin?
Seth: No, that’s why you picked a dumb fucking name!
Fogell: Fuck you.
Seth: Gimme that. All right, you look like a future pedophile in this picture, number 1. Number 2: it doesn’t even have a first name, it just says “McLovin”!
Evan: What? One name? ONE NAME? Who are you? Seal?
Seth: Fogell, this ID says that you’re 25 years old. Why wouldn’t you just put 21, man?
Fogell: Seth, Seth, Seth. Listen up, ass-face: every day, hundreds of kids go into the liquor store with fake IDs, and every single one says they’re 21. Pssh, how many 21 year olds do you think there are in this town? It’s called fucking strategy, all right?
Evan: Stay calm, okay? Let’s not lose our heads. It’s… it’s a fine ID; it’ll… it’s gonna work. It’s passable, okay? This isn’t terrible. I mean, it’s up to you, Fogell. This guy is either gonna think ‘Here’s another kid with a fake ID’ or ‘Here’s McLovin, a 25 year-old Hawaiian organ donor’. Okay? So what’s it gonna be?
Fogell: [grinning] ... I am McLovin!
Seth: No you’re not. No one’s McLovin. McLovin’s never existed because that’s a made up dumb FUCKING FAIRY TALE NAME, YOU FUCK!
[repeated line]
Seth: What the fuck?
YESSSS!!!! @SeventhSense, you sir (or ma’am?), have just made my day :D!
In that case, THANK YOU SIR!! haha I didn’t think you were a girl, but had to make sure.
it’s funny but you feel kind of bad watching it same as family guy haha so funny
I don’t feel any guilt, I know I’m sick-minded sometimes :P
I can identify. The character assassination of some stuff is really quite ugly at its base. In the case of the Family Guy its simply the bloated ego of Seth McFarlane. I like South Park too sometimes but in my estimation they just “weave an issue” around their egotistical biases at times. And exposing kids to either of these is just irresponsible.
@SeventhSense it may seem that way at times, but keep in mind we (kids) are not all as malleable as we seem. As long as we know it’s just a show for our entertainment, no true harm can be done.
Well I’m sure you’re quite precocious and capable of discernment but I was thinking of more the little ones.
@SeventhSense aahh, gotcha. In that case it’s all up to mommy daddy and that pesky remote :)
You’re too young to give up your identity. What was wrong with your other picture?
No you’re hiding behind a guy.
Oh…well when I get a picture with me in front I’ll put that instead :)
The other picture was just so people could get a clearer look at me for another question I asked.
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