Do you put up with more from the opposite sex than they put up with from you?
It is my impression that women feel like they are more long-suffering when it comes to their husbands or significant others. Men might get away with more because they can be scarier with their anger and hibernating ways. Maybe women are more willing to pick up after men than men are willing to do for women.
But this isn’t about generalizations that no one can support. This is about your own experience with your significant other—or with other couple relationships you are personally familiar with.
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21 Answers
Not a problem here. My SO is a shy guy. Me? I’m the “way louder than I need to be” girl. He puts up with way more from me, than I do him. So my problem is more opposite: I need to stop taking advantage of his generous tolerance.
I think it’s just more that things irritate me more than they do him (particularly those “hibernating ways”). I do, however, recognize that he puts up with my irritation. :)
I take 60% and my wife is 40%. i am not a sloppy person at all. through the years, after our children became adults and left the nest, my wife and i decided to split the chores and house responsibilites 50–50. this has worked perfectly for us.
Luckily, I don’t have to deal with men in a relationship capacity. I do not miss their idea of having a privileged status. If the dishes need to be washed, the clothes need cleaning or the cat box needs scooping, there is no one in my household that is expected to do it. It just get done.
I do think I tend to be willing to put up with more from my man. Don’t get me wrong here, I know he loves me and wants to be with me, but I also think this is one of the inherent differences between men and women. It might have something to do with men being conditioned to be the “stronger sex” but I think they are more willing to cut ties and walk away if something isn’t working the way they hoped. Women tend to be nurturers and want to keep relationships, therefore they are patient with things that might send a man running for the hills.
I put up more with people who are gender norm caricatures than I do with people who are more than one thing.
I don’t think so. The relationship I’m in right now, it’s pretty much equal. Sometimes he’s the one that puts up with more from me. Balance is a good thing though.
I think many women just feel like they can bitch more openly about men than vice versa.
I do! For example, 5 years ago my husband said if I quit smoking he would quit dipping. I have been quit since then and he has not quit. When he gets angry at me it can last for days, but when I get angry with him he tells me I have to forgive him…when I bring it to his attention he tells me it’s because I’m a better person than he is…
@ShanEnri what an excuse, I would not accept it…not only but my response to that would be ’...and the reason I should stay with a person lesser than me is?
I would say that my partner (male) puts up with a lot more of my crap than I do his. He is calm, patient, quiet, generous, kind and gentle pretty much all the time. He has the uncanny ability of being about to bring me back down to earth in a diplomatic way that has earned my immense respect.
Me on the other hand, I am a pain in the arse! But hey, I’m cute, funny, I cook well, great with being assertive when required and dealing with legal or bureaucratic/administrative issues so I am kind of useful to have around! ;)
Women definitely put up with more from me.
I always say that I think Lesbianism is the smart move.
I think in general I put up more with guys than with females. I think it is simply because I hold women to a higher standing because I feel I understand their motives better. Where as guys are still more of a mystery (behaviors that motivate them) to me than women, so I cut them more slack. I also feel that being a woman, other women should understand me better because they should have a better understanding of things women may find unforgivable.
As for how men treat women, I think most just feel if they ignore a problem their spouse has with them then it will all just go away. Or at least by not saying anything, the problem can’t get worse.
Nah…my wife and I drive each other equally insane.
Ugh. removed by me. This question aggrevates me. That is all.
It depends on how horny I am.
This is a generalization, in general, more is expected of young females than young males. Therefore as they get older, males continue to feel that less is expected of them. I had a dog boarding kennel and over the years had many teenagers work there. The girls always did a better job and if you pointed out something missed they would correct it. Boys mostly did half way work and figured someone else would clean up what they missed. I really think it had to do with the fact that mothers clean up after sons and simply expect less from them than they do for daughters. After all boys will be boys!
I’m not sure to be honest. I think sometimes yes and sometimes no. It goes back and forth.
Chivalry and being a “gentleman” is very very trying at times.
I am anything but a gentle man.
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