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desiree333's avatar

Why does my dog find my underwear the most supreme thing to chew on?

Asked by desiree333 (3241points) January 31st, 2010

I have three dogs. One of them is really good and mellow and would never chew on anything. The other two, however chew and destroy everything in their paths. Out of all the things they have mutilated (my biology textbook, brushes, kleenex, slippers, etc) their favourite thing is my underwear. I don’t understand exactly why they would find underwear, of all things so appealing. Can anyone shed some light on this troublesome problem of mine?

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21 Answers

Oxymoron's avatar

It smells good to the dog. My dog always steals mine.

ETpro's avatar

It’s got your scent all over it. You dogs are showing you that they really like you.

sliceswiththings's avatar

My head prefers to sleep with her head in my bra cup. She has a field day if I let her stay in the bathroom while I shower with my still warm bra on the floor.

Your_Majesty's avatar

Have you trained them?. These dogs need to be taught a lesson. Retrain your dog about manner. Spray them with water(traditional method) whenever they start to chew your underwear or your other properties. Reward them with snack if they stop chewing when they’re told. They’ll understand what is allowed and what is not allowed when you do this from time to time.

desiree333's avatar

@doctor D thanks, I will start training them. One is just a puppy, and the other stopped from when he was a baby, but has started again because of her. They are trained, just apparently not on how to not chew. :)

Violet's avatar

Because they smell so delicious ; )

desiree333's avatar

@violet hahahahaha

Violet's avatar

@desiree333 I love the smell of my own panties, and so do dogs

ucme's avatar

Because dogs love to pant

TheLoneMonk's avatar

I was, or will be, a dog in a next/previous life because I love the scent of them as well…

Pandora's avatar

If they are a male dog than I need not say more. But I think its the same way they sniff each others rear for identification or to see if the other is in heat. Only they would know they would probably get smacked if they put their noses up your rear.I’ve been told that in the wild a wild dog may rub himself in stuff where the pack leader may have layed or rub himself in feces of a predator so as to smell like the pack leader/ predator and maybe scare away other predators.

sliceswiththings's avatar

Oops, by “head” I mean “cat.”

CyanoticWasp's avatar

@sliceswiththings, that’s okay. By “so would I” I meant “may I?”

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I don’t know.Are they made out of ham slices?;)

desiree333's avatar

@Pandora The one that loves it the most is a female. The other is a male but he sort of just does it because she is.

@sliceswiththings haha, I was wondering about your previous post… ;P

Pandora's avatar

@desiree333 Female dogs can take on the position that an alpha male usually takes if the second dog is more submissive. It could also be her way of challenging your position in the pack. You may need to be more firm with her to show her whos boss so she stop challenging you.

desiree333's avatar

@Pandora Sounds like you hit the nail on the head. She is pretty agressive with trying to be the boss, I’ll have to start training her more, and showing her who’s boss. She also just completley ruined my favourite pair last night, they were fancy and I’m pretty pissed.

Sallyo's avatar

I suggest you keep your underwear in a drawer or a laundry hamper. That way, the dog can’t chew it. It’s much easier to prevent dogs from misbehaving than it is to get rid of the habit once it’s established. Give your dog her own chew-friend. One of ours has a sock. She loves it, and carries it about. She doesn’t take other socks unless they’re left lying about.

desiree333's avatar

@Sallyo I try to put all my clothes in the laundry basket, but she gets it so fast, and sometimes I’m in such a rush in the morning I don’t have time to run it to the basket in my mum’s closet. I keep them up with my door shut but she gets in there and eats them.

They have tons of toys, but she only shows interest in the when shes trying to steal one from my other dog. That’s a good idea though to let her have a sock. I would, except she actually eats them, then pukes them up. I’m scared one day it will get blocked and she’ll be in a really serious situation.

mike252's avatar

1 word….Protein!!! hehe

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