Social Question

6rant6's avatar

(NSFW) How do you deal with a difference in libido with your partner?

Asked by 6rant6 (13710points) February 1st, 2010

Somebody wants it more, wants it more often, more places, more ways. You or them – how do you deal with it?

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25 Answers

marinelife's avatar

You compromise. You take turns on how and where. You come to some agreement on how often that is between the maximum one partner wants and the minimum the other partner wants.

You agree to keep communications open at all times.

CMaz's avatar

You deal with it with respect and love.

abrooke's avatar

Think about looking into some kind of medication to increase sex drive.
If not then learn to deal with it together, if its meant to be it will work out some how.

phil196662's avatar

If your not in the mood then masturbate your partner so they are satisfied. Sometimes you can do that and there scent will get you started!

trailsillustrated's avatar

go along with it. even if youre not into it, pretend like you are. act like it’s fabulous

6rant6's avatar

Um… this was not a first person question. I’m actually asking how YOU deal with it. Not looking for advice. Thanks anyway.

deni's avatar

catch up :p

phil196662's avatar

I stand with my answer only to add that if the wife and I had that problem that’s what I would do…

trailsillustrated's avatar

that’s how I deal with it. I act like I think it’s fabulous. I wouldn’t care if I never had sex but that’s not an option. so anywhere anytime meh ‘ooohhh it’s greaaaat’

MissAnthrope's avatar

If it’s me that wants it more often, I masturbate so I don’t feel like a sex maniac all the time. The other way around is tougher, I had this problem in my last relationship. Granted, she overall seemed to care a lot less about my needs and wants than I did hers, so I felt a lot of pressure in this area. She would have liked sex every day, but we had relationship/interpersonal problems that made me want it only a couple of times a week. It was really difficult for me to get past these issues and the feelings they brought up, which honestly did not put me in the mood or make me feel like being intimate with her. They also made me less attracted to her, which in turn made me want to have sex with her less.

I ended up turning her down a lot in mostly passive ways (like not being clean because I hadn’t showered) because being up-front would have set her off. Other times, I just compromised and did it even though I wasn’t all that into it.

scotsbloke's avatar

I’d say as long as you (the royal you, not YOU) communicate about it – it may be an issue but not neccessarily a problem in a relationship.

LethalCupcake's avatar

Patience and Understanding are the best ways to deal with this…. Try being more Romantic maybe?

6rant6's avatar

Okay, okay, okay. I need to separate the wheat from the chafe. Are you all saying, “I don’t have any personal experience with this situation but I’ll be happy to make up some advice based on generalities and suppositions”? Or do you have actual first hand experience? If the latter, then maybe you can share what happened when you did what you did.

LethalCupcake's avatar

First hand experience: My Libido DROPPED when we started trying for a baby. We just got a little more romantic with it, eased me into the mood, And we were a lot better off

MissAnthrope's avatar

@6rant6 – What do you mean, are you all saying…? Um, no. See my post.

daemonelson's avatar

I’d reckon there’s a difference, isn’t much of an issue. Though, what we do is usually fairly dictated by time and place.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

We both want it daily – it’s the kids and their night time antics that prevent us from it sometimes…then if it’s been over 2 days, we start go get pissy…he wants to catch up more in the morning, I want to catch up more in the night – time…comes down to whoever’s hornier, which varies.

wundayatta's avatar

It’s very difficult. My marriage nearly broke on those shoals. We ended up in marriage counseling, and, as many have said, compromised. We also worked on some things that I could do to make my wife be more in the mood, and I use those techniques with haphazard success. She just isn’t as interested in it.

Sometimes I think that I just have to accept it, because there is so much more involved in our marriage. Other times, I think that being with a woman who is like me would be worth losing all the rest. What can I say? That sounds like the stupidest trade-off ever. And my therapists insist that I can get what I get through sex in some other way.

I hope they’re right. But I think they probably are not. Sometimes I think my foot is halfway out the door. Other times I’m more sensible. I don’t advise breaking up a relationship over sex—especially if it’s a long term marriage. But it happens all the time. I think about it every day.

Violet's avatar


Sophief's avatar

I agree with @Violet. I have a much higher sex drive then my boyfriend, and I don’t know about the other way around as I have never made an excuse or ever refused sex.

phil196662's avatar

@Dibley ; Been chased and tackled in the park by him? A rush when I stop and hide from the wife and she stops and goes oh crap!!! where did he go but I am close enough to hear her say that. Then I toss a rock to distract her and she goes to investigate and I grab her and she shrills loud enough to sometimes cause people to think I am kidnapping her.

The cops show up and go you guys again! one of these days I gonna take you both in and we look at him and say dare you holding out our hands! The cop goes yeh- you guys would like it too ..

SomNinja's avatar

Wait until they’re asleep….?


phil196662's avatar

They’re asleep??? WOW- sneak up on sleeping boobies observing the rise and fall of her breathes and then begin at the belly button…

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