Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Are you playing along with doppelganger week on facebook? Will you play here too?

Asked by JLeslie (65881points) February 1st, 2010

This week let’s all change our profile photos to a famous person we have been told we look like.

I always get Tatum O’neal, Gloria Estefan, Barbra Streisand and Jennifer Gray (before surgery). Personally, I think Tatum and Gloria are the most accurate.

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20 Answers

Likeradar's avatar

I’m probably not gonna change my avatar but I get Courtney Cox a lot. I don’t see it. But I have a cousin I get told I look like a lot, and I think she looks like Courtney Cox.

Jennifer Gray was so adorable before surgery. It never occurred to me how much those 4 people look alike!

Chongalicious's avatar

I’m doing it on Facebook since I didn’t do the Pokeon thing. I put Alyssa Milano, she got the most votes; but Elizabrth Hurley came in a close second. I don’t think I’m gonna do it on here, though.

cookieman's avatar

I wanted to do it on Facebook but haven’t had the time. If I did, it would either be Kevin James, Jackie Gleason or the guy that played Tony Sopprano.

Val123's avatar

I got Twiggy when I was in my early teens, then Farah in my late teens and into my 20’s and 30’s. I was even told I look like Stevie Nix (sp?) once…..but I don’t know about that.

Sarcasm's avatar

The only time I’ve ever been told that I look like someone famous is a few days ago somebody (@Mike_Hunt I think) said I look like Dante, and I think that was just because of the facial hair.
I don’t plan to participate in this.

Val123's avatar

@Sarcasm Aw, you guys are no fun!

trailsillustrated's avatar

mine’s lisa kudrow I’m trying to do it

Jude's avatar

I’ve been told Neve Campbell and Kate Beckinsale (face shape and eyes).

trailsillustrated's avatar

there now for fb

jbfletcherfan's avatar

No, I’m not. I’m just me on FB & I’m staying that way. I’ve been told I look like Reba McIntire, but I don’t see it. wish I had her money, tho.

Supacase's avatar

I have been told twice that I look like Deborah Kara Unger, but I see no connection at all. The thing that makes this comparison stranger than other comparisons that have been mentioned more often is that the two people had “lightbulb moments” about it – 15 years apart. One was while the friend of an ex-BF was watching Highlander III (I was not there and had not seen him in months) and the other was a random person I met at a part who almost immediately said I look like the wife in Payback.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I’ve never been told I do not look like anyone famous. I look like my dad and late uncle.

sliceswiththings's avatar

I did Claire Danes on facebook, but I’m not doing it here. It’s fun trying to think of them for my friends.

jonsblond's avatar

I’ve been told I look like Anna Kournikova. I’m afraid if I use her pic for an avatar everyone will stare at my breasts and not take me seriously.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@jonsblond What??? Did you say something???

OpryLeigh's avatar

I haven’t been playing along with this although seeing others do it has made me think of all the people I have been told I look like. I am often told I look like a variety of different people rather than just one person so it’s not as easy for me to play along!

Val123's avatar

@jbfletcherfan You mean….you really ARE a squirid???

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Val123 Only when my tail gets to rustling. ’-)

downtide's avatar

I don’t look like anyone famous. Anyone who looks like me would be too ugly to ever make it as a celebrity.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@downtide Don’t say that. You GOTTA be better looking than Carl Malden was!

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