If I changed my user name would you still think of me as tinyfaery?
Asked by
tinyfaery (
February 1st, 2010
I’m thinking about it. But then I realized that even though a few elder jellies have changed their user names I still associate them with their original user names. Marinelife will always be that other name to me. You too daloon, sorry.
So, will you?
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46 Answers
I think it adds a sweetness to you that helped me get over my initial impression of you. Honestly, at least with me, your name was part of my history, growing on Fluther because of our interactions. It’d be weird for me and rather selfish to feel weird about it. But I’d like you just the same.
And I’ve been away from Fluther and only had sporadic returns, I have no clue what daloon is going by nowadays, and I have no idea who marinelife is, I should go search. :(
But that’s no reason not to reinvent yourself if you choose.
@asmonet Aww… that’s sweet. Makes me feel all fuzzy inside.
I see no point in trying to reinvent myself when everyone sees me the same.
@tinyfaery: It’s true, I think we kinda… disliked… cough… each other at first. But I totes love ya now. We started off all wrong!
Also, I totes knew who marinelife was, I feel stupid now. But I didn’t know about daloon, thanks for the heads up. :)
…And speak of the devil!
I fear change.
But I’ll get over it and eventually think of you by your new name.
It’s an issue of translation, I think. I remember who Marinelife is, and plus her avatar is the same. I will remember who you become, too, presuming you send out address change notices, so to speak.
I changed my name because I want to be different from the way I was before. I know change takes a long time, but this name keeps me from forgetting where I want to be. My old name was based on how I felt about myself at the time I made it up. I don’t want to be that person any more.
I didn’t really care if anyone knew whether we were the same or not. If they did, fine, and if not, well, I’m reinventing myself… or trying to.
So I think it depends on why you are changing. If you tell that story, then it will make sense to me, and I’ll feel like you’re the same person if that’s what you want. If you want to do it suddenly and without notice, then I will wonder what became of you, and it would take me a while to catch on to who you have become.
Why do you want to change your name?
I would be able to recognize you easily, but yes, I’d still think of you as tinyfaery. That’s just who you are to me.
What @casheroo said.
I’ll still think of you as tinyfaery. :)
Not me, I have a very short attention span when it comes to screennames. I just go by what it says at the moment, and after the first few encounters, I forget the former one.
I think of daloon as daloon still too
and of Marinelife as marina
and others
so yes I’ll still think of you as tinyfaery
though I never really thought the name fit you
I’m opposed to changing a name unless absolutely needed. Some of us pick stupid ones. {looks in mirror}. But I could see how it could be used to protect someones identity.
But I want to be Bright_Heart_Raccoon if the powers that be are cool with it.
@johnpowell Didn’t you see that thread? Ask auggie. If you have a compelling reason (whatever that means) you can do it.
I’m going to need a few more beers until I will commit to that request.
Noooo! Don’t do it! As Billy Joel says, I love you just the way you are.
You’ll always be tinyfaery to me, but there are new people coming in all the time, and they’d have no prior knowledge of you. In time, your change over would be complete.
I will always remember you as tinyfaery, one of the first people on fluther to answer my ridiculous first question. I’ll be a little saddened to see you change your name but if you must, you must! You will always be a lilliputian fey to me!
Also, could someone link me to the question about changing usernames please? I remember seeing it but I didn’t actually read it.
I would still think of you as @tinyfaery but I agree with what @augustlan said about newcomers not knowing your previous username.
You’d always be the @tinyfaery I know, love and get aggravated at to me.
@augustlan: Thanks! I just reviewed it and agree with everything andrew said.
@tinyfaery Do I have to start calling you small? You will always be tinyfaery to me!
It is a little struggle to remember that @daloon is now @wundayatta, and that @dalepetrie is now @AstroChuck , but I am sure we will all adjust to whatever you want to be.
Maybe I’m @Dog? (Looks back to see if she has a tail.)
If you could choose who would play you (from all the jellies), who do you think would do a good job of it?
If someone were to play me, I think Stranger_in_a_strange_land might be able to carry it off. He might have to consult with @AstroChuck to do the silly side.
I was, am and always will be gailcalled.
Psst. I’ll let you in on a little secret… I’m really Andrew.
I wanna be sassy Ms. Asmonet.
Who could play me? I have no idea. How about… <thinking>
… Zen_Again!
Oh-oh—so you’re Zen_Again! I thought you were Dog.
I was just thinking how much fun it would be, just for a day, maybe in, oh, say, April, to switch some of our avatars around without changing our names. Wouldn’t that be a hoot? And @Andrew, what if it were to happen randomly?
I was thinking something similar; maybe we should randomly assume someone else’s persona for a day and then guess who’s who.
Fuck ‘em if they can’t take a joke.
I’m really lurving this idea, just please don’t make me be that Blondesjon character!
I have already changed my name, so I am pretty sure none of you knows who I am.
I had planned to get a group to change their avatars to Daloon’s, then he went and changed his name and avatar.
I am hoping everyone changes theirs to AstroChuck for the day.
I’m actually Zen – Zen_Again’s evil twin sister.
@tinyfaery So what’s the verdict? Will you continue to be our diminutive pixie?
Did @Jeruba say that I could, gulp, play her?
* sigh *
I’ll decide at 20k. If I make it.
@dpworkin With a punim like that, you think you could stay incognito?
@tinyfaery Looks like it won’t be long… Can’t wait for your party! :)
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