Social Question

What song sums up best how you feel right now?
You can only pick one.Just pick it and tell me why is it the lyrics, the song itself, something specific maybe even memories?
For me its
I have not been happy at all for the past year(more than that but I don’t wanna sound like a whiny brat), but I feel the more I get rid of “excess things” the more I feel better , a little closer to what I want.Diggin my way shoveling the old dirt away.
I also like the lyrics of this song, there simple but speak to me, and the songs mood fits well its not really aggressive or mellow/sad just kind of yelling it out, a cleansing to me.
“I’m diggin’ my way
I’m diggin’ my way to somethin’
I’m diggin’ my way to somethin’ better
I’m pushin’ to stay
I’m pushin’ to stay with something
I’m pushin’ to stay with something better
I’m sowin’ the seeds
I’m sowin’ the seeds I’ve taken
I’m sowin’ the seeds I take for granted
This thorn in my side
This thorn in my side is from the tree
This thorn in my side is from the tree I’ve planted
It tears me and I bleed
And I feel”