Can anyone help me with my distorted body-image?
I have suffered with eating disorders for over seven years in addition to that I suffer from body dismorphic disorder as well. My fiannce tells me I am not fat, my aunt says I am getting too thin. Someone please help me.
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20 Answers
get professional help – see a specialist-
There are meds and therapy that can help you. See a psychiatrist. People with eating disorders have one of the highest mortality rates of all the mental illnesses. Get medical help as fast as you can.
@trailsillstrated I wish I could, the only problem is I don’t have any money to.
Find a health center. Find some kind of clinic. Research it on the internet.
This is why we need universal health coverage. [tears hair out]
Do you live near a university? Many graduate and doctoral students are available for free, supervised therapy.
@likeradar There is a college in Napa about twenty plus mile from me, but I don’t know if they can help me.
@sweethottaco Calling the psych department would be a good place to start.
If you really need and want help, 20 plus miles isn’t so bad. How close are you to SSU, Chico, or Davis? They might have good programs as well.
@likeradar I am pretty far from those places.
@sweethottaco I think you’re hot and perfect just the way you are. :-)
@sweethottaco Then just look up psych/counseling departments of universities close to you. I assume you went to a therapist or doctor to get your BDD diagnosis. Can you ask that person for a recommendation?
This site and this also have helpful info for you. I just found them on google, and know basically nothing about them. I bet there’s more similar sites too.
Look into community health centers/health departments in the area that may be able to refer you to sliding scale counseling centers where the amount you pay is based on what you can afford.
Maybe start by not referring to yourself as sweet hot taco.
@SeventhSense I don’t think that was necessary, do you?!
@sweethottaco I would look into the University thing as already mentioned. Speaking as someone who spent years struggling with eating disorders, I urge you to get help. The holistic approach worked best for, after years of going around the block. It robbed my adolesence and the beginning of my twenties. I never ever thought it would be possible to cherish and respect my body, but it very much is!
Don’t let this take over the next 10 years of your life @sweethottaco Get help & start to live and enjoy your life
You deserve it!
When’s the last time you bit into a sweet hot taco? She isn’t talking about the flavors de Mexico. She’s identified herself with genitalia, the vertical smile, the cooter, beaver, quim or whatever else you want to call it. So maybe not labeling yourself as a disembodied organ is a start. Sure I’m frank. What can I tell you.
@SeventhSense sorry :/ jeepers, that’s a new one on me. hmm, I’m inclined to agree on the changing of the username now.
@SeventhSense I am keeping the screenname, and changing my selfimage.
I wouldn’t expect otherwise…food for thought though
Takes balls to rock that screen name anyway..good for you
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