How could you describe a 'stingy' person?
Did you ever meet this kind of person in your life?. Do you consider yourself as ‘stingy’ toward other people?. How can you describe someone who is so stingy? (in your opinion).
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21 Answers
One, who would not forego something that means little to them, in order to help another, to whom that thing would mean much more.
Anyone who would expect others to do something but not return the favour.
A ’stingy’ person knowingly gives less to those who are truly in need than s/he could spare without experiencing any significant loss of their necessities or accustomed comforts.
I have met too many people for whom accumulation of wealth is such a high priority that they withhold necessities of life from their own children and spouse.
I know a man whose family did without so much and yet at the time of his death, it was found he was one of the larger shareholders in a major financial institution in his country of origin.
He lived like a poor man, never buying anything new, never providing a decent home for his family, and denying his children support for an education or providing necessities for his wife who died prematurely because of his neglect!
When she died, he bought himself a fine house. He died, alone, in that house, within a day of taking possession of that house. I knew this man personally. This is no urban myth!
Yeah, but I mean, he worked in Finance. What do you expect?
A stingy person ducks out on the check or if it is split puts in barely enough to cover their own without tip.
A stingy person does not take a turn buying a round.
A stingy person gives the scant acceptable tip (or less) causing others to have to sneak back to the table to rectify it.
I would freely tell you, but I’m saving my words.
Is anyone of you believe when someone say “stinginess can makes us even richer”?.
A stingy person will begrudge another something they find no value in themselves. They don’t want you to have it just for spite.
Someone who will not share (It’s mine, you can’t have any), or shares very reluctantly (Aaw, OK, if I have to)
Someone who resists to share with other people. Someone who expects more than they contributed.
@Doctor_D “You would be richer but you won’t have a friend”.
Someone who doesn’t leave a tip for a waitress.
My goodness, this is a pet peeve of mine. Stingy people bug me. When it comes to money, I hate when people are tight & counting the pennies. Enjoy life for goodness sake!
Sharing is caring!
@filmfann Not every culture would be like that. In Arab and China wealthy people(not stingy) will not leave a tip to waitress,they’re not accustomed to that,and other will take that as an insult. Another reason is that not every restaurants will allow that if tip is already included in bill.
I personally believe that “stingy” is subjective in that everyone has a greater or lesser degree of ability to give while everyone on the receiving end has a variable definition of what is sufficient and what is not enough. Having said that, what one person may believe to be an act of “stingy” may very well be completely fulfilling to another. I would consider myself very giving, but someone may think I hold back on my giving… It is all in a person’s perspective.
A stingy person is chronically parsimonious; unlike many of us, who are only stingy when broke.
Yes, I have met someone like that (a relative). A stingy person is someone who does not give to others, both materially and non-materially (it could be care, kindness, attention, etc.). However, some stingy people seem to think they’re entitled to receive from others!
I am a very frugal person, I try not to spend money unnecessarily, but I agree with @Silhouette about the begrudge and spite part.
I recently made a mistake that seemed stingy. I refused to buy fast food for my family, because I had food at home in the refrigerator, then I purchased a bottle of wine that I thought was on sale, and ended up paying full price.
My grandmother is the stingiest person I know.
A stingy person is someone who feels like they are being cheated no matter how much more they have than the next guy. This makes it nearly impossible for them to give anything for fear of being even further “behind”.
If a stingy person buys you a nifty Christmas gift, you can be sure they bought an even better model for themselves…..
When a stingy person gives you a compliment and you believe them, they secretly think you are full of yourself….
When you buy a stingy person a nifty Christmas give, they are sure you bought a better model for yourself…
When you compliment a stingy person, they secretly think it is no more than they are due but who are you to think your opinion is significant?
Do I know a stingy person? You betcha.
Am I a stingy person? No, I don’t think so…
but I am a bit territorial about that single slice of cake I have hidden in the back of the fridge. So maybe I am?
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