General Question

jonsblond's avatar

How do I say goodbye to my neighbor?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) February 2nd, 2010

My teenage son told me that our elderly neighbor visited while I was grocery shopping this evening and told him that he was diagnosed with cancer. He mentioned that he will be leaving for the hospital and may be gone indefinitely.

He has been our neighbor since we moved in 15 years ago. He has watched our children grow up. I have never had to deal with anything like this.

I will visit him tomorrow. How do I say goodbye?

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11 Answers

Judi's avatar

Just be there. Ask him where he will be going, bring him some cookies, and sit and listen. Tell him how happy you have been to have him as a neighbor. Ask if he needs you to pick up the mail or water the lawn (if you’re willing to do those things,) and give him a big hug.

zookeeny's avatar

It may be a fear he was talking about – it may not be that he will not return from hospital. When you visit him you will be able to hear and understand the full facts. Maybe talking about when he comes home – to give him hope. It could be he is frightend. I am just guessing of course but just as some ideas for you to think about, it might not be quite the way it seems. You could offer to visit him in hospital perhaps. That might be something you could do if you are able to. Just reminising with him – joking about funny time with the kids kicking the ball over his fence or the time the street had a party or whatever. I hope things go well. Tell him you really treasure the fact that he has seen your children grow and that he is part of their childhood memories. Has he got a pet that might need looking after? Perhaps see if you can give your number to one of his family members so they could perhaps keep intouch about how things are going.

augustlan's avatar

Oh, that’s so sad. If it does turn out that it’s terminal and this really is goodbye, just let him know how much his presence in your lives has meant to you. Of course, offer to do anything you can to take care of practical matters that he won’t be able to attend to. Most importantly, let him say goodbye to you if he feels that need. {hugs}

loser's avatar

Oh, wow. I know showing will be the most important thing you could do. Hang in there.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Perhaps write a long letter about how meaningful it has been to have him as a neighbor, and how much he has impacted your life and the family, and how he is part of the family memories. Perhaps include a family photo. Ask if there is anything that you can do for him, with respect to the house, etc. while he is away.

Ask if he would like visitors in the hospital, and send cards every few days, and have the kids send cards.

Hugs. Many years ago, I had a neighbor who was my age die of cancer of the stomach rather suddenly. She was diagnosed, came home, and was up and about for several weeks, sitting on my front porch sewing doll clothes for her daughter’s dolls, and then two weeks later, she was gone. The father and children moved a month later, and that was that. It was hard on my children.

BoBo1946's avatar

sorry to hear that! you already have some excellent answers and the one i liked best, just be there! Really, all that is required.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Oh, I’m sorry. This is a tough one. I’d say just be with him as much as you can, let him talk about whatever as much or as little as he wants, & just tell him you love him. Maybe reminisce over things that happened in the neighborhood or between the two of you Just be there for him.

belakyre's avatar

Tell him that he is loved.

john65pennington's avatar

Do you realize how rare it is to read a question like yours? one person actually caring for another person? i love it. its rare today, to have a neighbor that you actually care about and you should be commended. be there for him, like he was there for you and your children. tell him exactly how you feel and thank him for being such a trusted caretaker of your children, in earlier years. he appears to have been a good friend to you and this is a blessing in itself. someone, with a terminal illness, effects us all. you both will be blessed for being good neighbors to each other. tell him how you feel.

jonsblond's avatar


My neighbor made it through surgery and is back home. He’s very tired and can’t do much, but at least he is still with us. We’ve had some nice talks, and he knows that we are here for him if he needs us.

Thank you all for your help and support. I was very emotional the night I asked this. I wanted to let you all know that your kind words meant a lot to me.

augustlan's avatar

@jonsblond Thanks for the update, girlie. {hugs}

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