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MissAnthrope's avatar

Is Trader Joe's acidophilus any good?

Asked by MissAnthrope (21511points) February 3rd, 2010

I got a bottle of the Super Acidophilus Complex, which says ‘10 billion organisms at time of manufacture’. My mom, who worked in the supplement industry for many years expressed doubt that the TJ’s acidophilus will be effective, so I Googled it and found mixed results.

I was wondering if any of you had ever used it and if you had positive or negative thoughts about it. Or perhaps someone might have some insight into this product, how it’s manufactured, etc.

I’m recovering from what I’m pretty certain was a bout of e. coli and I’d really like to get my digestive system back on track, so if what I got isn’t good, I’d like to know so I can start on something better. Thanks!

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5 Answers

Judi's avatar

If it is the refrigerator kind it probably is. My daughters claim that the unrefrigerated kinds is not since the bacteria dry up and die.

MissAnthrope's avatar

A lot of acidophilus tablets I’ve seen aren’t refrigerated, but I totally get what they are saying. I’ve kind of wondered this myself, especially since they say ‘refrigerate after opening’ and that makes no sense to me, since they’re sitting on shelves at room temperature when you buy them.

One of the things I read just now said something about the tablets being coated to keep the bacteria alive.. but that was not an official TJs thing, so I dunno what to believe.

Dan_DeColumna's avatar

I’m not really sure about how well TJ’s acidophilus works, but you can probably pick up 50+ bottles free in their trash. Here’s the rest of that video.

. -Dan

zookeeper's avatar

can this supplement drop dirty for heroin

wolfen244's avatar

10 billion is probably a fairly high amount of friendly floral bacteria – almost as high as Flora Source by Nutri Health which has 16B – the most I’ve seen but far more expensive. The amount is as important as the variety of strains. Flora Source also discloses the strains whereas Trader Joe’s keep it a secret. I don’t like that part of it. With Flora Source you can look up what each strain accomplishes in your digestive tract and even for women in their reproductive system.

I’ve taken both and usually get the same result – getting my digestive tract back to the way it was when I was 20 years old – making my digestive tract a non-issue in my life – as God intended.

I wouldn’t suggest wasting your time with anything less than 10B per tablet. It’s a waste of time and money and you barely get any benefits….

….however one man a few hundred years ago got famous for getting a woman pregnant when he was 106 years old and living to 149 years old by making sure he drank a little sour milk every morning which also had plenty of good bacteria. He was so famous that the king had him live with him but died when he ate the same food as the king.

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