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john65pennington's avatar

Would you stop a man driving a vehicle 40 mph....backwards?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) February 3rd, 2010

It was around 2 am in the morning and everything was quite. no police calls waiting. i decided to have some doughnuts and coffee. thats right. got it to go. backed into a closed gas station. within 2 minutes, here comes this car going backwards down a main highway in front of me. one occupant, the driver. no other traffic on the road. here is my tough decision: do i go after this vehicle and check the driver out or do i have a “blind eye” and continue with my doughnuts and coffee?

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43 Answers

CyanoticWasp's avatar

I just want to know when it’s 2 AM and it’s not “in the morning”.

What did he say when you stopped him?

TheJoker's avatar

Coffee & doughnuts…... surely not :)
Personally I would probably pull him over (assuming I was a Policeman here) & do a breathalyser test, check for alcohol / drugs. If he were clean I think I’d just tell him to stop being such a pratt & get home.

Likeradar's avatar

On a main road at 45 mph, I sure as hell hope you did your job and checked on the guy’s sobriety.

Any why would this be considered a “tough decision”?

tinyfaery's avatar

You’re asking if you should do your job?

Likeradar's avatar

I’d think this was a lame attempt at a donuts/cop joke, if the OP wasn’t actually a retired police officer.

ModernEpicurian's avatar

Is this such a tough decision due to the deliciousness of the doughnuts? Were these a once in a lifetime kind of thing?

This question makes me a little bit sick. Apologies. I very much hope there is more to this question.

Steve_A's avatar

Mmmm donuts…and decisions…..

If they were Krispy Kreme donuts you eat them.
If they were Dunkin Donuts you go after him.

In all seriousness….I hope you would go after the person….

ucme's avatar

Nah. More like put it on my phone & post it on youtube for shits & giggles. Probably the wrong thing to do but that’s my honest answer.

john65pennington's avatar

Likeradar…........actual event that occurred. actual police officer asking this question.

Steve_A's avatar

@john65pennington This happen to you? Or your asking for someone else?

stump's avatar

It seems like a no-brainer to me. Stop the guy.

john65pennington's avatar

Steve A…..happened to me while working the morning shift in a traffic unit.

MissAusten's avatar

Is it illegal to drive backwards if you aren’t speeding and aren’t going against oncoming traffic? Even if it isn’t, I’d stop the car just to hear the story behind it. And if it isn’t illegal, let me know so I can try it.

mowens's avatar

That might have been me… I got pulled over once for driving backwards…. but i had more people in the car.

john65pennington's avatar

Miss Austen. cars were designed to operate in the forward position. this is why they install headlights on the front of the vehicle and not the rear. does that make sense?

Steve_A's avatar

@john65pennington So um, what happened?

JLeslie's avatar

Seems like 40 MPH backwards is reckless driving. I wouldn’t say stop him if he was just backing up on a road a little bit, slowly, if there was no other cars around, even if it wasn’t legal, but 40 MPH, that is pretty fast, and I would assume he went quite distance? Seems it would be better to make an illegal u-turn than do that.

MissAusten's avatar

@john65pennington So, if I attach some working headlights to my car’s rear bumper I can legally drive backwards? My answer above was meant to be silly, not taken seriously. This answer isn’t supposed to be serious either. Does that make sense?

Likeradar's avatar

@john65pennington I don’t doubt that this happened. I hope you tell us that you stopped the guy…

john65pennington's avatar

MissAusten, okay you got me there. none of this makes any sense. agree? this was a situation that occured in the early 70s. the guy did a pretty good job of keeping the vehicle within the lane of traffic. hey, i forgot to mention his sealbelt.

janbb's avatar

Depends – was it glazed or Boston cream?

Likeradar's avatar

edited by me because it sounded meaner than I intended.

Steve_A's avatar

@janbb lol if they were glazed Krispy Kreme donuts then theres nothing to worry about :D

JLeslie's avatar

Especially if they were Hot Now.

ragingloli's avatar

Absolutely. You may not see any traffic, but that does not mean there is not any. I would stop him and ticket him for traffic endangerment, possibly freeze his license.

Steve_A's avatar

@JLeslie Oh man HOT, yummy glazed (creme filled too maybe?) Krispy Kreme donuts you mine as well let them rob the gas station too I say :D lol

I mean you don’t want to have to go in save the day and let those things get cold! :D

JLeslie's avatar

Can you get cream filled hot? I have never seen that at a Krispy Kreme. I will never forget being at the Ft Lauderdale Crispy Cream, it was late, very late, maybe close to midnight and these three older people came in (must have been in their late 70’s maybe 80’s). Anyway, the seating space is very small and one of the women was standing next, to me, so I offered her my chair, which she refused, but she started talking to my husband and me, and said, “my friends made me come here because I have never had a hot Krispy Kreme and I cannot believe how incredible it is.” She had a look on her face of complete delight and amazement. She was hysterical, I am sure you had to be there. I think Hot Krispy Kreme is a bucket list item.

Steve_A's avatar

Note to self @john65pennington likes donuts and coffee!... :)

Is there a preference? Starbucks? Certain donut shop?

Ya know just in case ,hehe.

Steve_A's avatar

@JLeslie You might be right…but I know they have glazed creme filled ones…good question! hahaha…

I know there is still one around where I live not too far, in fact I have not eaten a donut in forever, maybe I will go down there and get me some mmmm Krispy Kreme donuts

“So good you won’t care about anything else….seriously… careful when you eat them

john65pennington's avatar

Here is the outcome of this situation: the coffee was hot and the doughnuts were still warm. i put my police car in drive and moved to the highway pavement. going to the left, i would have been behind this driver and a traffic stop. turning to the right, i could have moved to another location to finish my coffee and doughnuts. what to do? i turned to the right to look for another location to finish my doughnuts and coffee. why did i not pursue the vehicle driving backwards on the highway? two reasons: i knew the driver and knew he did not drink alcohol, attempting to stop this person may have actually created a traffic accident if you think about it and finally, i knew where the driver lived and knew he experimented with junk autos. this particular auto, he had reversed the body on the frame. he was actually driving in the right manner, but the body of the car being reversed, gave an optical illusion. it appeared the car was going backwards, when in reality, it was not. the next day, i went by his house and gave him a warning.

Steve_A's avatar

@john65pennington That was worth waiting for, good to know….cool story :)

MissAusten's avatar

I knew there was going to be a twist to the story somewhere!

ragingloli's avatar

In that case, I would definitely have stopped him and taken away the license. It is illegal to drive a car on public roads without a TÜV badge, and such a modification definitely needs a TÜV inspection, especially if it is a car from the junk yard.

TheJoker's avatar

@john65pennington….. Hahahahaha, I love quirky nuts like this guy! Fan-bloody-tastic :)

Trillian's avatar

@john65pennington What state was this in? You say the early 70’s? My dad had a friend who did stuff like that. He once rigged one car so that he hung from underneath and somehow steered and drove it. He put a scarf and WWII goggles on his dog and put the dog behind the wheel and went for drives around the neighborhood. One of the funniest and full of Joi di vivre (spelling?)people I’ve ever met. I wonder if my dad has any pictures…..

Snarp's avatar

@JLeslie I have often wondered that myself. The only Krispy Kreme donuts I have ever seen hot were plain glazed. They are so good. I think I would die of pleasure if I ever had a hot Boston Cream.

JLeslie's avatar

@Snarp well, the glazed ones you can by in the market and microwave for 8 seconds and it is pretty close the real thing. I think the cream might separate and getting icky.

@john65pennington have you ever been to the stunt car show at Disney World? They have cars driving backwards (actually driving forwards) as you described. Good show.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

My dad used to tie all of the neighborhood kids’ sleds (sometimes as many as ten at a time—and with the parent’s explicit or at least tacit permission) onto the back bumper of his carryall and tow us slowly through the neighborhood after new snowfalls and while the streets still had a coating of snow.

I can’t even imagine attempting such a thing these days… or parents allowing it.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

@CyanoticWasp That sounds like fun!

CyanoticWasp's avatar

It was a very simple pleasure back then.

MissAusten's avatar

@CyanoticWasp My dad did the same thing with our ATV. If we had an ATV, I’d totally pull my kids on a sled with it. So much fun! This area is quite a bit rockier than the state I grew up in though, so I’d have the kids wear helmets especially after our last sledding incident where my sister in law ended up at the hospital getting staples in her scalp.

ModernEpicurian's avatar

@john65pennington Thank God this changed into a very cool story. Although I would still say that they should have been pulled over, something like that can pull ones attention from the road for that one second. Not good.

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