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Is time an illusion?
I’m pretty sure this must have been asked before on here… but I can’t find it (so please point me in the right direction if you can)
I’m getting a bit ticked off with a ‘friend’ of mine constantly harping on at me that time is just an illusion…so be in the now… Eckhart Tolle stuff… you know…
Now I understand the concept that the past and future only exist in our minds as such and so there is only ever the now… but this kind of thing prompts certain people to say stuff like… live your dreams today… and everything will fall into place…take care of the present…
But really isn’t time very very real… even if that is only in our minds… do we not decay….get older…does this not epitomise the passage of time… your thoughts please…
and obviously can’t wait to hear MattBrowne’s view on the subject matter :-)
The fact is I can appreciate the present moment and for all it’s worth I know that right now everything is fine and in the next minute every is fine… but there has to be motion movement through space and time does there… or am I really deluded
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