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zookeeny's avatar

Thrush - any advice? I feel awful?

Asked by zookeeny (894points) February 3rd, 2010

Medical advice has been sort but just wanting a reality perspective on this because I feel awful!

I have been really run down lately and the doc said I have thrush. I have cream but it is a 6 day treatment and Im only on day 1. I have gotten worse overnight and feel terrible – really flu like and achy. I rang practice nurse and said I felt like I had now got it in my throat and could she get the doc to prescribe throat treatment and I would come in to pick up script. She said it would be very rare if you would get it in your throat anyway but chance of having it both ends is unlikely. She suggested throat lozengers.

Im kind of puzzled – yep unlikely but not impossible?!! Has anyone experienced this?

I have been run down lately and also probably excessively cleaning both ends and have got rid of the natural healthy bacteria. Have you have experience of thrush like this? What was the cause and how long did it take to get better?Anything I can do to help while I wait for cream to work its magic? Were you feeling exhausted with it and flu like? Are these symptoms of anything eles?

Sorry heaps of questions. Please answer sensitivly as it is a genuine discomfort and worries I am having.


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