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ucme's avatar

If you live to a ripe old age & you were to look back on your life, what would you consider to be your finest moments?

Asked by ucme (50052points) February 4th, 2010

You are 90 yrs old,sitting on a rocking chair outside your porch.You can feel the breeze gently brushing against you’re face.You are blissful & happy,& are pleased with the wonderful life you’ve been blessed with.Looking back at your life & all that you’ve achieved & acquired,all the relationships you’ve developed,what matters to you most at that precise moment?

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19 Answers

CyanoticWasp's avatar

I should be at the office.

Snarp's avatar

My kids, their kids, and maybe even their kids.

I hope that I will never be ready for the end of my life. I will not go gentle into that good night.

AstroChuck's avatar

Making it to ninety-one.

CMaz's avatar

“would you be ready without fear for the end of your life”
I never had that fear.

“what matters to you most?”
I fear crapping in my pants and not being able to wipe.

njnyjobs's avatar

What matters to me is a quick and painless exit, not only for my sake but for my family left behind. I don’t want to become a burden to them becoming a sickly ol’ fella, and sharing @ChazMaz fears…

theguy's avatar

I would live another year

TheBlackRanger's avatar

Well I hope I would have brought joy and happiness to the person I care for the most, my beautiful girlfriend, and knowing I did everything I could do to do right by my family. I think that is ultimately what matters most.

hug_of_war's avatar

I will never be without the fear of dying. I don’t like endings.

Living a life where I didn’t take things sitting down, where I was passionate, that I took risks, and did things I was scared to do. That I lived to the best of my ability and didn’t idle. No matter how badly I screwed up, if I lived that way it would be a life I wouldn’t regret.

sevenfourteen's avatar

Won’t know till I get there. And I’ve got 70 years to figure it out.

HGl3ee's avatar

So long as my SO is sitting at my side as happy as I am, my life would be complete <3

jca's avatar

i would fondly reminisce about my parents and grandparents and the great times we had. i would think about my beautiful daughter and be thankful that she grew up into a beautiful, healthy woman, and hopefully has a great family that loves her, and me, too.

as for whether or not i would be prepared for death, i have pondered that, as i work with the elderly and i see them, infirm and frail all the time, and i wonder how i would feel when i am their age. Hopefully i would be at peace with myself, healthy enough to be independent as far as my activities of daily living, and prepared for what lies ahead.

chels's avatar

Knowing that I’ve done everything I have ever wanted to and to be able to say that I’m 90 with no regrets.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Anytime I’ve ever made someone feel loved..or relieved that I didn’t KTA;)

Strauss's avatar

I would tell my children, and my children’s children, (and their children, if there be any) all the stories that were told to me by my parents, and my parents’ parents, adding my own experiences to the mix, in the hopes that there could be seven generations of experience passed on to future generations.

I think one of the losses of the nuclear family is the oral history and provenance that is lost by moving away from one’s family.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I’ve already achieved all I’m likely to. I dedicated my life to the happiness and achievements of another, who is now beyond this life. My affairs are in order. My prescence is no longer required or desirable. My beloved’s beloved will get the farm she so loves. My two Persian cats will live out their remaining time in comfort. The college will get its money without having to tolerate my dillitantish efforts at a doctorate.

Ninety is not a goal for me. Maybe 54 if the medications keep me from blowing my brains out sooner or the whiskey doesn’t do it first.

janbb's avatar

Having developed loving relationships with many people and having some of them – hopefully my kids and husband – still in my life. I hope to still have an interest in the world around me and enough physical and mental capacity to still be learning and doing. Looking back, I hope to take pride in the work I did as a librarian, a writer and a teacher and how I was able to help people.

Cruiser's avatar

I think the mere fact that I somehow managed to love to be 90 would deserve an “atta boy”. I would then throw a bread roll at my sweetheart to wake her her snoring butt up off the couch to go get me a ice cold wheat beer!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Whether it be when I’m 90 or today, the thing that I look at most fondly is the fact that my daughters love to be with me & they ask me to go places with them. Not the friends they have, but ME. They want to spend time with me, & that’s the best feeling I have. They’re both my best friends. That & the fact that we’ll be married coming up on 43 years, my husband still loves me & spoils me rotten. How I’m loved by my immediate family defines my world. Life is good. :-)

Pazza's avatar

Being born, an kickin the bucket!
Realising that: the game is not finding out who your supposed to be, or what you can achieve, but finding out who you already are, and what your already capable of.

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