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Why do magazines do this?
As many of you know, I deliver the US mail. So you can imagine all the periodicals I see everyday. The vast majority of them are dated for the following month (ex: The March 2010 edition of Popular Science will come out sometime this month). What really gets me is as early as October of this year I will begin seeing January 2011 editions of magazines. I have two questions about this. First of all, why does the magazine industry feel the need to distribute their product with dates that are still one, two, or even three months away? Secondly, how can they get away with putting a copyright date that is also in the future? Those same magazines I’m referencing will show up with©2011 printed within. It seems to me I should be able to steal content from a Jan. 2011 edition, hurry up and publish it before the new year, then slap©2010 on it and turn around and sue them for copyright infringement.
Anyway, what’s the story here?
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