Like a band-aid being removed…...quickly, with intense pain and then it’s done.
No dragging it out, that gets crazy. “I don’t want to be with you anymore.” And when you do it, don’t call, don’t text, don’t contact, nothing…for a few weeks or months. After the pain has receded, then you can (maybe) be friends. But not before that.
No caving in when she/he begs for sex “just one more time.” I fell in love with a man and we lost touch. We reconnected when his then present relationship was tanking. (We lived hundreds of miles apart, so our reconnection was via phone). The old magic was still there, he was bookish, I was bookish….we just always loved each other, but for different reasons had never gotten together. We realized that the compatibility level we had was still profound and he said, “Well, I need to end this relationship and when I do, I will come and visit you.” I encouraged him to do what he had to do, take his time and get in touch when he felt ready. “I need to do this quickly, it’s dragged on long enough….I’ll call you next week and let you know how it went.”
That sounded great…it was clean, clear and there would be no betrayal, no “cheating.” Anyway, as the “I’ll call you next week” turned into two weeks and then a month and then two months and then three, I had a dream. In that dream, I saw him agitated and calling to me saying, “I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.” We always had that sort of connection.
In a little over three months, I heard from him. His mood was somber. I knew something was wrong. “You know, I broke up with Tia (not her name)...and she asked me to help her move to Springdale (not the city) for her new job. And I don’t know how to tell you this…” he hesitated.
“She’s pregnant.” I finished his sentence.
“How did you know?” he said.
“I just know…women know these things.” It turned out (because the important thing about us was that we were always honest with each other) that he moved her furniture and begged him for “one more time for old times sake” and he obliged. As I heard him speak this, I wasn’t upset at all. I knew that he loved me. It was silly, I suppose, but it didn’t change my feelings nor did I feel it changed his.
He said, ” I want to be part of this child’s life….” And the rest of the conversation passed in a haze. He had decided to marry her so that he could have legal rights to the child and a part of this child’s life. I understood. The woman was an alcoholic, part of the reason that their life had taken a tumble. He felt responsible to be a present dad in the child’s life. I supported him. I let him go and go in peace. I understood what he had to do.
I don’t say this to give myself a pat on the back…it was harder than hell but love doesn’t change.
So, when you break up….do it quickly and don’t look back…or you may change your destiny in ways you could not ever anticipate.