General Question

Blackberry's avatar

How/why do women seemingly know everything or find out everything?

Asked by Blackberry (34376points) February 4th, 2010

Some women use the excuse of “I just know”, but I know there’s more to it, I swear my ex-wife was a hacker or something because she got my online banking log in, pay information and other info. Some women can tell if something is wrong even if you don’t do anything different. Some will just ‘have a feeling’ then just magically be right off of intuition lol.

So….what’s the secret, hmmmm?

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29 Answers

jbfletcherfan's avatar

We’re just all knowing, all seeing. Special instincts & powers. That’s what makes us mysterious, Blackberry. Didn’t you know that??? ;-)

shit, this’ll probably get deleted

liminal's avatar

Silly, silly, silly, we can’t tell you.

Silhouette's avatar

Half the time we are bluffing, you guys fall for it and tell on yourselves.

shego's avatar

Just cause, it happens and like what @Silhouette said you tell on yourselves.
Plus the guys I have been with talk in their sleep and respond to anything truthfully,while dreaming.

Blackberry's avatar

@Sillhouette and @shego That is just jacked up lol.

marinelife's avatar

It is outstanding powers of observation coupled with excellent instinct for lying.

shego's avatar

@Blackberry, sorry, how do you think she got your bank login info?

Blackberry's avatar

@shego I never found out, she said she just guessed, but my passwords are always complex and one wouldn’t be able to guess even though she knew personal stuff about me. My only guess would be that used a keylogger on me or something.

shego's avatar

You never know we are very mysterious :)

SeventhSense's avatar

They are in league with the devil duh…

Sampson's avatar

All women are paranoid and crazy.

Yes. That’s right. All of ‘em.

wundayatta's avatar

I thought that was the deal? They know everything, but we control everything?

p8prclip's avatar

because they plot. Ever noticed when they grill you about something that you have no idea or care about that bothers them…and then they give you seemingly endless specific instances when/how and what you were doing? Know this! ...they plan these ambushes! They sit with a piece of paper and rack their brains recalling anything and everything that could remotely pertain to the “alleged offense” that they feel you have you have wronged them with. When it comes to personal stuff…they scheme! I don’t even know if they know they do it, but eavesdropping is seemingly a God given talent:)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

some would say this is because women are taught to communicate from an early age – therefore they’re able to convey information to each other and to connect to their own instincts.

SeventhSense's avatar

Yes they do like to communicate.

ridicawu's avatar

I think it’s because a lot are more in tune emotionally or pretty observant. It’s not too difficult for me to tell how someone feels or what they’re going to say next. It’s kind of just patterns in someone’s social behavior.

Tenpinmaster's avatar

@shego True indeed :) you women are very mysterious but irresistibly so!

citizenearth's avatar

Women are gifted with this ‘knowing’ gut feelings. Mind you, sometimes they do get it wrong. Some women are taking advantage of this gift to claim that they are right all the time!

susanc's avatar

This is a sweet discussion. The dark side is this: the oppressed always know more about what’s going on than the oppressor does. They have to. It allows them to dodge the irrational acts the oppressor doesn’t even know he’s about to commit.
Women have only been de-oppressed for about a generation – in most cases -
so we retain the oppressed-people’s weaselly cleverness – otherwise we’d have died out a long time ago.

Sophief's avatar

Think it is just intuition and bad experience, that has made us more aware.

jfos's avatar

Since all women are bad at math, they have more storage in their brains for personal information and emotional manipulation.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@jfos women aren’t bad at math. period.

Trillian's avatar

Wow, what a bunch of….insightful answers from the male species. @Blackberry, for the record; I don’t know what your ex wife did to get her information, but I suspect by your comments in other threads (something about being married equating to being emasculated being my personal favorite) that you have a somewhat jaundiced view of women. I can’t argue that because I have a somewhat jaundiced view of men. If it weren’t for some great guys here on this site, I might have nothing but that negative opinion, and I’m sorry that the female element here has not been able to do the same for you.
I can also tell you that everything I learned that my ex did which was also detrimental to our relationship, ie; cheating, snorting pills, shooting pills, and many lies he told, I found out about accidentally. I mean everything. I never sought the information, I would just find out and every single time I found something out I was not seeking that info. For example, when I found out about the cheating, the fuc$#ng whore actually came to my house to tell me. I guess I’m not over my anger, sorry.
So, I hope you can forgive us for what she did, and I hope you can open yourself up enough to truly give yourself in a future relationship so you can experience that joy that only comes from two people giving and sharing with each other.

jfos's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Perhaps bad was the wrong choice of words.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@jfos perhaps, because I can outdo you in Calc II any time…and the brain isn’t like a basket with space in it…it’s not like if one skill is undeveloped, space opens up for other skills…in some people, if a certain portion of their brain has been shut off, other portions will pick up function or over compensate but we’re really getting off track here, :)

jfos's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I was not seriously proposing that math theory, and I daresay that you know that. Also, bring it on with the Calc II. I haven’t done it in a few years, but I’m sure it’s just like riding a bike… another thing women are bad at. =D

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@jfos no, you don’t get to play math with me, boogerhead

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